Is there anybody whose had experience with both?

I’m trying to decide if I want to go back to Manjaro or get into Endeavour.

  • jkmooney
    911 months ago

    I’ve used both. Manjaro, in their attempt to be “user friendly”, winds up disconnecting you from what makes Arch good. EndeavorOS, on the other hand, is basically Arch nicely set up for a “daily driver” PC along with some nice tools of their own you can use or not at your discretion. I’ve also used just plain Arch and I actually prefer EndeavourOS of the three.

    • @the16bitgamer
      111 months ago

      TBH I want “user friendly” with up to date drivers. Most Ubuntu bases distros dont offer that and fedora doesn’t have the same support with copr that AUR has.

      While I don’t agree with Manjaro’s parent company, as someone who doesn’t want to tinker with their os, I prefer it.