• NostraDavid
    1 month ago

    but you actually are following a set of expectations and thoughts and even language that feedback loops on itself in a never ending reinforcement loop.

    Isn’t that culture in general? Not saying it doesn’t apply to “the patriarchy”, but this definition is a bit too wide, IMO.

    • SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Yeah it does! False consciousness is a very wide concept. There are particular oppressive ideologies that are deeply embedded in our culture that create these false consciousness. Capitalism and Patriarchy are just some of them. They have their own quirks, and then on top of that they interact with each other to create a sort of super culture that underlines everything we think, know and do. It is infact a very very wide definition.

      The point is that you take that wide idea and then you narrow it down. You pick out specific ideologies that exist in that super culture, you deconstruct them. Find the contradictions within that oppressive ideology. You find the exact ideas, expectations and thoughts that stem from that ideology. You find the ways that other oppressive ideologies interact in specific ways with the one your deconstructing.

      It’s a very hard thing to do. But it’s kinda like alcoholic rehab . First step is admitting that it is there. That we are all affected by these cultural forces and imbedded oppressive ideologies and doing your best to rip them apart and understand their effects on you personally.

      It’s very neat. I’m geeking out just talking about it. This fundamentally changed who I am as a person. I used to be a racist, homophobic, misogynist piece of shit but I always had this need to understand the world and myself. Thankfully that need and some very patient and loving friends slowly guided me out of that mind prison.

      I hope I explained all of this well in a way that is understandable. I am genuinely just trying to explain this pretty complicated idea over text on a conversational way. Tone and such may come off as whack. Just take it all as I intended it. Genuine and with love.