lots of people type similar. in fact, many people type in all lowercase such as myself. you don’t know who someone is behind the screen. you don’t know someone’s identity from their typing style.

why do you think No Stupid Questions exists in the first place?? why do you think people ask for help/advice?? if they’re not going around saying rude/absurd crap or anything to get a reaction, it could just be someone with a weird question.

just because someone types similar to someone who was a troll or bad person does not mean that it’s their alt or that they are the same person.

i see this a lot with people assuming that account c is an alt account because account c and account a agree and disagree with account b, or because account b said something rude to account a and account c explained/defended account a. yeah, people can agree on something without being the same person.

if your comment gets -3 votes, it’s unlikely that 3 alts downvoted you, you just said something people disagree with.

  • zero_spelled_with_an_ecks
    1 month ago

    It’s impossible to tell if someone is asking in good faith or not. Bad money drives out good and all coins are treated as shaved. It doesn’t matter if yours aren’t. There are too many people asking in bad faith. If you want to know something controversial, there are places you can find out without making somebody else do the same work that other resources already have done.