Not so much looking to build a PC as buy one, because I’m lazy these days. My old one is forever old and filled with randomly upgraded parts and HDDs. I’ve also got an old and under performing NAS for Plex. Looking to turn my current PC into my new NAS, and buy a mini PC for my new rig. (I don’t game on PC anymore).

The problem is, I want one(ish) large capacity drive on the mini PC. Not 100% tied to a mini PC, just like the idea of being minimalist on this rig.

Any suggestions? 2 monitors. Not much else special.

Maybe an external drive? Or drive bay? Speed isn’t critical on the large capacity.


  • randombullet
    1 month ago

    Could you run Tailscale? That way you can still use your internal IPs and just whitelist the tail scale subnet.

    You can put multiple shares on the same SMB for Plex. So you can use SMB and also Plex at the same time.

    Mini PC and high storage density do not mix too well unfortunately.

    Running off a USB bus is fine, but with that, I would still run it through the NAS. That way you can still access the files while aboard.