I got glasses not that long ago. Just over a year, I think? Something like that, I’m not sure, time flies.

I remember my mum telling me—basically my whole life—that wearing glasses was terrible. I suspect it had to do with her getting bullied over it or something. However, my little brother also really disliked it, as a (younger) kid. My dad never really complained about it much, but occasionally he might’ve made some less-than-positive remarks. I suspect he’s more in tune with how I feel, regarding glasses-wearing.

It really doesn’t bother me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it is annoying sometimes. When they’re dirty it’s hard to see; when it’s too cold, my breath condenses on the lenses; when I take a shower, they get all fogged up; I have to remember to take them off before going to bed. Stuff like that. Overall, however, they’re totally fine. It’s not bothersome to wear them. The bothersome things about wearing glasses are so minor they barely register, if at all. I think quite a few of them—like the lenses fogging up when it’s cold—are actually quite endearing and kind of cute.

I don’t mind how I look with them on, either. I don’t think they make me any more (or less) handsome; they don’t really cramp or elevate my style either.

I’ve seen other people wearing glasses and, occasionally, I will think that they’re really sexy. Sorry, sorry… I am a man of flesh! I saw this one girl on TikTok not too long ago and holy smokes! She had these thin glasses that came to a point at the top outer edges. They were so… Sensual… That feels so weird to say. But it’s true! It doesn’t hurt that she was very cute, obviously, but I really do think the glasses did a lot for the video.

I remember my grandma telling me, when I first got glasses, that it was gonna be rough and I’d have to get used to it. It was not the case at all. I mean, of course I had to “get used to it,” but I got used to it the same way you get used to wearing a new shirt. It looks different—it’s a different shirt—but it’s just a shirt, this stuff isn’t exactly going to revolutionize your world or something. She annoyed me a little with how insistent she was every time she saw me for like a month, asking about how I felt. I felt as usual, of course, nothing of substance had changed, and her constant implication that something had indeed changed felt so absurdly uncalled for that it started to genuinely upset me.

Overall, I think my mum’s hatred of glasses is wholly unfounded and that my grandma overestimated rather severely how hard it would be to adapt to a glassed life.

They’ve got a blue-light filter.

  • derpgon
    1 month ago

    But in the end, they are just surveys. Many exist against this as well.