Working on a portfolio and decided to make it an interactive Dark Souls-inspired scene in Three.js instead of just a bunch of webpages. Before I spend the next week adding a tonne of polish so that the scene actually looks good and adding actual content, I’d love to hear some opinions!

I’m planning on adding more NPCs, actual lighting + shadows, rain, improving the grass, adding actual content when you click on a Project, mountains so that when you pan up the world doesn’t just end.

(Also if anyone is looking for a game developer lmk)

  • popcar2
    1 month ago

    I don’t work in hiring, but I do enjoy interactive portfolios. That said, I think this could get frustrating really quickly for people who just want a quick overview of who you are, what you work on, how to contact you, etc… Recruiters have hundreds of applications to sift through, they might not have the patience to wade through dialogue. Maybe keep important information easy to access and make the rest a fun game for those who enjoy it.

    Anyway, this looks great and I love the voice acting!

    I’d recommend making the world smaller and highlighting NPCs so they wouldn’t get lost or wonder what to do. Also be aware that a lot of people browse on phones or tablets, so this needs to play nice with portrait mode as well.