It’s always good to be in control of your own content sources.

  • @[email protected]
    221 year ago

    I never stopped using RSS even when it supposedly “died”. Right now I have FreshRSS running on my raspberry pi since I like subscriptions and read state to sync between my machines but don’t like to depend on some company for that. I use Reeder for my iOS devices, which can sync with FreshRSS. For all folks say RSS is dead, I find a lot to fill it with. Blogs (yes I still read blogs like it’s 2005), webcomics (most comics with their own site offer one, and webtoon generates them for its comics, though it looks like tapas doesn’t or at least I can’t find any feeds there), tech news sites, scientific journals, lemmy and mastodon generate feeds for users and communities, even YouTube still generates feeds for individual channels. There’s a lot of feeds still active out there.

    • Muddybulldog
      71 year ago

      RSS is definitively not dead. I threw $99 for a lifetime Feedly subscription about 15 years ago, rather than roll my own aggregation, and it’s been my primary news source since.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I run FreshRSS too and I use Readrops as my client on Android. I prefer reading on the laptop or PC though.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Yeah I use RSS feeds for everything. You should check out Open RSS, doing a lot of great stuff.