New logo for Elon Musk’s social network strobes over San Francisco neighbourhood, prompting complaints and mobilising building inspectors

  • Captain Howdy
    10911 months ago

    Why is everything Elon does, or by extension Twitter, newsworthy? I’m so sick of hearing about this fucker every day.

    • @[email protected]
      2811 months ago

      Because Twitter is something many people use and is part of our lives. The terms tweet and retweet is in our lexicon and a lot of breaking news appear on twitter. It’s clearly important to us and as evidenced by Mastodon, Blue Sky, and Threads, we humans want a form of twitter. I agree and it has some utilitarian use. There’s something “internety” about short blips of info with quick vids if necessary that anyone can access.

      It may not seem important, but with Google trying to push DRM browsing, their search algo shitting itself, reddit crapping itself, Youtube being Youtube, etc. the old internet as we knew it is dying. The old internet being the free one we knew that wasn’t centralized, full of forums, and felt a different kind of alive. I think that’s why the news for Twitter is important.

      Now, do we need to know about the people complaining about the X sign? Maybe not, i kind of don’t think so, but it is nice to have a record of it for future reference. It most likely didn’t need to reach my all/local page but people upvoted it.

    • @chrischryse
      1711 months ago

      He wants attention cuz daddy no longer gives him it

    • @[email protected]
      1611 months ago

      As I clicked to load comments, I thought to myself that there hasn’t been a single article that presented anything he’s done with Twitshit as positive. I wondered if that’s bias or whether he’s fucked up on every change. But you’re right. I’m ready to stop hearing about it. It sucks when children are billionaires.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      I’m really looking forward to having content filter options. I don’t want to block technology or news, I just want to filter out anything that mentions Twitter, Elon, Musk, and quite a few other key words. I think connect for lemmy has this option, I just couldn’t stand the UI.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      The only thing he’s ever really been good at is getting attention. And fair play to him - here we are talking about him