I know the CEO dug himself a pretty deep hole recently.

I had been meaning to switch all the services I currently use over to proton - but his remarks gave me pause.

Is it still worth considering?

  • 0x0
    1 month ago

    I’ve heard that self hosting can lead to a bunch of email getting snagged in spam filters.

    Through force of numbers, the big companies have made self.hosting email a pain in the ass. DKIM, DMARC and all that, they say it’s to fight spam but it’s really just to ensure their monopolies. If it was encryption they’d be clamoring won’t someone think of the children.

    You can find people un/successfully self-hosting email so invariably YMMV. Just make sure you follow all the steps and guidelines and don’t use that address for anything relevant in the first months.
    Some people also use a proxy in Outlook or something so the outgoing email has all the legit veneer.