If you asked me like 4-8 years ago, I felt kind of neutral about things. Now I don’t feel an ounce bit patriotic or proud enough to even state that I’m an American.

Now, when I see an American flag around, I see it as a symbol of fascism, anti-intelluctialism, neo-nazism, and late-stage capitalism amongst other things. If there’s an American flag flying on a car, I can totally see that person possessing at least one of those qualities.

I suppose it’s good to be self aware and not blindly feel patriotic and ignoring that your country needs improvement.

I don’t know what I’m expecting in the comments here but just thought I would get this off my chest.

  • I Cast Fist
    1 month ago

    “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” - I think Samuel Johnson’s original meaning, of complaining about “false” patriots, strongly applies to your distaste for the flag. The idiots we see proudly waving their country flags (in Brazil, that’d be the bozonaristas) are using them as a cover for their prejudices and stupidity. They wouldn’t be able to name a single thing they like about the country they love.