What we’re really lacking on the ui end is a way to see groups of identical communities that are on different federated platforms. Hence the idea of a dom-lemmy. The way it would work is lets say you search for a cat community called “cats”, there’s at least dozens of them out there already. Instead it would return the cats dom-lemmy, with the option to either drill down to a specific instance, or to merge all sub-lemmys called cats into a single view

  • @aport
    151 year ago

    Communities with the same name on different instances aren’t necessarily about the same topic.

    • Valon_Blue
      41 year ago

      Agreed, but I’d like to be able to at least manually group together communities that are related.

    • LazarusLost
      21 year ago

      For sure, but it’d be cool to be able to bundle them as an option.

      • auhu
        31 year ago

        On that note /c/football would be very different on lemmy.freedom and lemmy.fishnchips