Hi guys just wanted to know in your opinion which one of the Android yt clients have integrated dearrow and SponsorBlock extensions features in the most complete way (like the desktop extension). Edit: Thank you all amazing people for the feedback. I gonna use pipepipe (which doesn’t have dearrow) for now since Freetube android seems like needs more polishing for now and LibreTube doesn’t work for me (both of these have implemented SponsorBlock and dearrow)

  • madame_gaymes
    1 month ago

    I see, I’ve never looked super deep into F-Droid or released anything there, I didn’t realize that a requirement for releasing on F-Droid was that they build it. Just read their inclusion criteria, interesting.

    ETA: Read through the whole article, and godamn. I don’t really trust anything Android any way, but this is actually a pretty damn big WTF from F-Droid. Thanks for sharing!