Microsoft are looking at putting datacenters under the ocean, which sounds like a really good idea to cool them but I can’t help but think a couple decades from now it’s going to start causing us problems

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      No it isn’t. What DC do you work at? We recycle hardware as much as fucking possible until its worthless and then it’s sold to anyone who wants it in the company first and then the rest is sold on ebay and craigslist.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Ahhh, so this is why you are so angry in this thread. You’re the competition. Not exactly an unbiased third party.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          @snowbell having fun #trolling ? Or just a bit lacking in holding the #environment as a core personal worldview/value-set ? If you did, I think you might immediately have understood— as I did — that the other person has 1. a strong ethos around the environment, which dovetails with 2. their strong sense of professionalism.

          It’s the difference between friendly competition whom one actually can RESPECT (even when you disagree), vs seeing the other party as a literal piece of turd-pile because the treat their stakeholders like turds.

          M$ is extremely well known for being the latter.

          Also, I doubt that someone at the engineer-level (low on the totem pole) is seriously going to give two f***s about their multinational richass CEOs or investors “competing” with each other.

          I sure as sh*t wouldn’t. It’s just a money game. Zero loyalty

          (as any corporate drone knows (see also Dilbert comic strip).)

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Datacenters are already bad for the environment and all available evidence points to this being a better option for the environment. Believe me I thought it was the stupidiest shit when they first announced this but I’ve had years to think about it now. Just because something is made by a horrible company doesn’t mean that it iself must be horrible.

            Sorry for not participating in your corporate drone culture, loyalty actually matters to me. This comment made me cringe.