Why YSK: It appears several Lemmy Instances are flagged as suspicious and at least 1 instance intentionally using the name of ransomware. A couple of the big enterprise monitoring suites (Fortiguard, ZScaler) will flag your account and may end up with you being pulled into an office for an explanation, or worse.

TL;DR: Keep browsing to your local instance at work for now.

  • @[email protected]
    12711 months ago

    Just don’t use a work computer for anything but work. Use your personal cell phone and don’t use their wifi.

    • @[email protected]
      4611 months ago

      It constantly surprises me how many people use their work computers as as if it was a personal computer. They’ve got family pictures, shopping, browsing, socials, everything. I’ve tried mentioning before, in a roundabout way, but people really don’t care. And then when they get laid off or quit then they’re shocked as hell once the computer’s remotely locked and wiped and then they make a big stink about how all of their stuff was on there. It’s like what did you expect to happen.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        My work phone is specifically partitioned to separate personal and work activities. I can’t even copy and paste text between the two sides, they are so disconnected from each other. This is done specifically so people can use their work phone for personal business without cross-contamination.

        I still refuse to use my work phone for anything but work. I only log into my personal accounts long enough to install/update a few apps from the Play Store that aren’t allowed on the work side but are still useful (MS Teams, WhatsApp).

        Part of that is not wanting to enter a 12 character password every time I want to do anything simple . But the other part is that I just don’t want to mix my personal and work lives more than I have to.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        The reason I used to use my work PC for online purchases/personal finances because the network at my employer was much more secure than my home network. But it was a smaller company back then, now that we’re “corporate” (partnered a larger entity) I don’t.

          • credit crazy
            111 months ago

            You must have nsfw turned off there should be a check box in your options

            • @[email protected]
              111 months ago

              I saw some not long after replying to you. I still feel like it’s way less than people talk about though.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          I used to use a VPN on the work wifi and then they began blocking VPN’s. One day my VPN started continuously dropping and reconnecting while on their wifi. Absolutely within their right to do, they need to know what traffic is on their network in case of anything that breaks policy or is nefarious.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            I haven’t had the time, but I’d like to give Shadowsocks a go and see if that can break out of the vpn blockages.

            The majority of my self-hosted services are vpn access only, and my phone is set to block non-vpn traffic so I notice in a hurry when my vpn drops out/can’t connect.

            /edit: I did give shadowsocks a go. It didn’t get through unfortunately and it’s password auth only, no key pairs or certificates. Got rid of it again.