Undoubtedly, programmers are a major user of keyboards, and IDE developers love function keys for esoteric shortcuts for debugging, moving around, and running code. So why do so many split keyboards not actually have the function keys.

I think makers are missing out a huge audience.

  • brian
    12 hours ago

    I’d assume most people on minimal split keyboards use vim bindings or similar. that’s what I usually do and I have a quefrency and wireless corne. I only end up using fn keys if I’m playing games. for programming I’d rather have mnemonic chords like <space> p c for project menu then compile instead of remembering f7 or whatever

    on that note though, a quefrency might fit your needs. it has 8 fn keys on the side and the others on a layer. otherwise you can always get custom pcbs, it’s work but it’s not that bad