As in, what’s the evolutionary reason for this? I can get seeing dogs as cute because they probably helped early humans by being “guards” essentially and they’re just great companions in general, but what purpose does a cat have for example? All they want is food, and you get nothing in return except a cute cat to look at. Hell, even bear cubs are adorable and they’ll eventually turn into something that can kill you with one swipe.
Why do we find animals that are or will grow into dangerous creatures cute? What reason does this serve?
If we didn’t find babies cute, humans would have died out long ago. We’ve adapted to not commit infanticide and cute kitties are a great side effect. And my that I mean we like a set of characteristics common to most baby animals.
Can confirm. I don’t find babies to be cute (I actually find them disgusting, though of course I don’t express this to parents or most people in real life) and I am staunchly childfree.