i created a blog and website to help get traction on my project.

its called positive-intentions.com i originally got it because it was a cheap domain and was/is a placeholder for my poject before i make time to do something like branding.

when i previously searched “positive intentions”, my site was listed on something like page 4 of google. most of the results were things related to mental health, meditation, etc. i took a look the other day and i notice it now on the first-ish page of search-engines. i guess this is a result of my talking about my app mainly on reddit but a few other platforms.

id like to know how i can take advantage of this. i previously had google ads on the website, but i disabled it because i think it deterred users when they saw tracking scripts in the website. i now have a reasonable approach where i can provide the app with/without external scripts. so id like to reconsider re-enabling ads.

however i dont think google ads is good to use. it took me ages (several months) to get £2.30 and google cashes out at £60… at the current rate, i guess i wont see anything for several years.

ive read around, and i hope im interpreting something correct when it seems blogs really start have a kickback when they sell something. with my open source project, ive branched out to create something i can sell in the play-store. it still isnt on the play store yet, but that is one approach im trying.

another aproach im considering is adding something like mediavine because it seems bettter regarded compared to google ads.

i can make more time to update content throughout for clarity. i previsouly stopped doing that because it didnt seem worth the effort when adsense was generating about 1p per day.

note: i dont know much about blogging, seo, analytics, etc; so any and all advice is appriciated.

  • xoronOP
    7 days ago

    thanks for the tip!

    i havent tried affiliate marketing before. it seems NordVPN is poplar. i’ll investigate the options.