Regarding people questioning durability:
BYD batteries are designed to last for 3000 to 5000 charge cycles
If a car has 400 km range on a charge and can handle 3000 cycles, that’s 1.2 million kilometers.
While we don’t know for sure, there has been nothing to indicate BYD should have compromised on that.
They are being flippant, you are stating it as a fact. If its the standard metric, it should be easy to back that up with a source.
Its actually a given that the faster you charge a given battery, the higher the temp, and therefore the higher the longer term degradation. If BYD has found a way around that, I would actually be interested to know more about that and how they achieved it. Especially as I am in the market for a new car.
This would be true if it was the same battery, but have you heard Tesla batteries degrade faster than for other cars sold at the same time with slower charging rates?
These batteries operate at 1000V exactly because it lowers the temperature.
There are industry standards for the durability of car batteries, have you ever heard about car battery durability going down compared to older model cars?
BYD and CATL have probably the most durable car batteries in the world, there is absolutely no reason to believe these batteries are less durable than for previous batteries. What happyskullspplitter claiedm is based on ignorance, not on actual knowledge of these batteries.
Just because BYD and CATL have historically been the best, it does not mean they they always will be. So everytime they release a new battery, it is completely reasonable to question if its actually as good as they claim. You seem happy to take it at face value, I am not. If there truely is no degradation to the batteries longevity, why wouldnt BYD actually publish that?
Not historically, they are currently the best.
Absolutely, but were the same questions asked when Tesla announced their latest super charger?
Here BYD was ridiculed as being trash, despite they are probably #1 or 2 world leader on car batteries and charging together with CATL.
I’ve read 5 articles about it now, and none question the durability of the battery, probably because there is no reason to.
Of course fast charging degrade relatively more than slower charging, that’s the same for Tesla cars too and all other brands. The point is that these are designed to actually handle the higher charge, so you can actually use it.
But if you use fast charging every day, there will be a noticeable difference for every EV.
I never claimed they broke the laws of physics. Just that these will most likely be exactly as durable as what is currently available.
A car that has 400 km range which is normal today, would than have a battery lifespan of 1.2 - 2.0 million km.
Corrected for degradation 1.08 - 1.80 million km!!!
EOL is usually considered to be 75-80% capacity. So you could probably use it for years beyond that.