I just learned that George Foreman died recently. And while I’m not a big fan of boxing and his grills were okay to have used when I shared one with a roommate. I just got that feeling all over me again that the world is once again a little more greyer.

There are just some people whom we lost, that brought color to the world or made you go “well at least we still have this guy around!”. It gets harder to say that because all of our heroes and inspirations are getting older and older and dying every year. To where we’re going to be left with whatever today’s stars are and even though I’m not that up there in age, but I’m not really that impressed with today’s generation of stars.

It’s like today’s generation of stars took for granted, the paths that have been paved for them by bigger and better people, while pretending they made that path. It’s entitlement.

All I can say is enjoy who we have left, because we’ll never know when it’ll come around again another big name falls.