I’ve noticed that some users block other users and communities when they see several posts appear multiple time in the feed. It kinda sucks, because I x-post to 3 communities on 3 different instances to have some more reach and redundancy. Unfortunately it means that users otherwise interested in my content filter me or my communities out because it clutters their feed. It also means that other people posting in the same community are losing audiences. And the platform grows slower as a result. Everyone loses.

The often proposed (and inefficient) solution is to post to just one instance and one community, but that brings its own set of problems with opening content from other instances being wonky, server outages, bugs and potential for an instance to go down for a long of period of time or permanently due to various reasons. Not feeling particularly excited about piecing it all back together from the fediverse.

Anyways, I think if users keep blocking whole communities or subscribe to only one version of it just because of crossposts wreaking havoc it will ultimately inhibit the platform’s growth. This should be easily fixed by filtering out duplicate posts that are already properly x-posted from the feed, and I’ve checked GitHub but it feels like similar issues have already been created in different wording. So when is this functionality coming?

  • mark
    2 years ago

    So when is this functionality coming?

    Nobody knows