I’ve seen a lot of people who quite dislike Manjaro, and I’m not really sure why. I’m myself am not a Manjaro user, but I did use it for quite a while and enjoyed my experienced, as it felt almost ready out of the box. I’m not here to judge, just wanted to hear the opinion of the community on the matter. Thanks!

  • sleepyTonia
    2 years ago

    I’ve been almost exclusively using that distro for a near decade and it’s not bad on its own in my experience. Pamac is the best graphical package manager experience I’ve had as a user. Official, AUR and Flatpak packages all in one place. Manjaro’s graphical kernel manager is also nice to have and saved my ass a couple times on my HP laptops that had less than desirable support. I’m definitely looking to move to something else, but it’s always ended up being more of a hassle than it was worth. I’m moving in a couple weeks, so I’ll use that as an excuse to try switching to EndeavourOS. 🤷‍♀️ But I personally have no bone to pick with Manjaro.