Defence agency says Moscow is using the protests in Stockholm to stir tensions between Arab countries and the west

      • digdug
        2111 months ago

        I thought you were just kidding, but then I read his post history.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Oh absolutely. While I love baseless accusations, accusations are better when it’s obvious.

            Edit: and check homies history… it’s pretty obvious.

          • Buelldozer
            -211 months ago

            I hope they don’t. Counter narrative comments are healthy, even Communist ones.

            • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy
              1311 months ago

              only if the people on the other side are arguing in good faith, which a lot of them over on lemmygrad arent. they use textbook propaganda tactics and tow the kremlin line religiously.

            • @[email protected]
              1011 months ago

              I do appreciate seeing more perspectives, but Lemmygrad is open that they don’t intent to push things in good faith.

              I will say that the more socialist (than I’m used to) has been interesting, but the lemmygrad spots are a silly but dangerous echo chamber

            • @[email protected]
              611 months ago

              The fake communists don’t want to hear them though, so there isn’t really any sort of debate.

              Source: banned on and I’m a pretty far leftist.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              I like it when people make up statements because they can’t refute what is actually being said.

              Nowhere did this person say that.

              • @[email protected]
                -111 months ago

                Says the guy who posted “found the Russian”. I understand you’re trying to back up your CIA co-worker, but there is nothing to refute in the post I replied to, so you’re not making any sense. He just wanted to defederate from Lemmygrad (guess why).

          • digdug
            111 months ago

            Yeah, but I didn’t expect it be nearly every single comment.

            • Historical_General
              111 months ago

              I have alts for current affairs and local normal stuff; this one is supposed to be for hobbies like Tolkien and fantasy stuff but I keep getting dragged into other stuff lol.

      • @[email protected]
        1211 months ago

        They are but they are more against NATO than brown people, so they’ll side with brown people to hurt NATO. I have a russian colleague that is the summary of Russia. I used to talk a lot with him and he was a racist and homophobic bastard, but he would act friendly towards indians and chineses because of political reasons.

        • qaz
          11 months ago

          Like alt-right politicians and gay people? It’s always weird to see them tweet something out in support of a gay couple until you see it’s about an incident involving migrants.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            What really weirds me out is the small group of LGBT without the T siding with the religious.

            Wtf! They are going after you next!

      • @[email protected]
        -2611 months ago

        No. Stop projecting Western pathologies onto your enemies. Russia certainly has its share of the Western mind virus, but so many of its cultures were not even considered White by Europeans. You could do research for the next year and try to compile all the evidence of Russia being against brown people and it couldn’t hold a candle to even 1 of the Western European states.

          • @[email protected]
            -1611 months ago

            I’m sorry. Are you implying that the existence of ethnic violence within Russia is indicative of Russia being MORE against brown people than the NATO countries. The US who occupied Afghanistan for 20 years, bombed all of Iraq’s civil infrastructure, organized multiple coups, occupations, and pro-Western regime changes throughout the Islamic world, developed their own interpretation of Islam that was extremist and then trained Islamic extremist groups in terrorism and used them to achieve pro-Western goals? How about the brown people in India that NATO member Britain occupied, exploited, destroyed, and extracted from, and starved millions through a deliberate famine? How about the brown people France occupied, enslaved, and killed all through Africa? How about the brown people the Netherlands, NATO member, kidnapped from Africa and sold, occupied all around Africa and Southeast Asia? Belgium? Spain?

            Every single one of those countries has ethnic violence within their own borders, but that’s not the primary indicator of how much harm they cause brown people. The US literally ran eugenics programs against various shades of brown people through the 1970s. Those eugenics programs were adopted by the Third Reich and used against many different people’s who were considered non-White, but in Mein Kampf the author literally states his aims to apply the US programs of industrial genocide and apartheid to subjugate the Slavs.

            No, Russia isn’t MORE against Brown people. The enemies of the West are not merely worse versions of the West, despite what the propagandists would have you believe.

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                You *knew that would happen one he gaslit whataboutism, didn’t you?

                Edit - forgot a word…

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  I am sorry, but I must not be reading that right, I cannot parse.

                  Edit, much better.

                  Also did you see the comment about selective calling of whataboutism? Wild stuff, love to see it.

              • @[email protected]
                -1211 months ago

                LOL, what goal posts? You’re just randomly throwing out what you think are logical fallacies as your solution to countering narratives that paint Western actions in a negative light? Try to define the “goal posts” and then show what you think moved. Because as I see it, the question is “who hates brown people more” and that means the goal posts are quite literally “who’s actions have harmed brown people the most”

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  These “goal posts”, you know the ones you set and rhetorically asked to provide evidence for…

                  “No. Stop projecting Western pathologies onto your enemies. Russia certainly has its share of the Western mind virus, but so many of its cultures were not even considered White by Europeans. You could do research for the next year and try to compile all the evidence of Russia being against brown people and it couldn’t hold a candle to even 1 of the Western European states.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -1011 months ago

                    And the research that was posted is exactly what I said it would be - it doesn’t hold a candle to even one of the Western European states.

                • qaz
                  511 months ago

                  You said Russia’s negative treatment of PoC wasn’t even comparable to any Western European country. He sent back a report about mistreatment in Russia. And you changed the subject to whether Russia or the USA has been worse. I think that is what the person responding to you is referring to.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -711 months ago

                    That is literally what comparable means, to compare. I compared Russia’s track record with the West’s track record. And showed that it was incomparably worse in the West than in Russia, because the West has been exporting it to hundreds of millions for centuries.

    • Flying Squid
      811 months ago

      Weird, then, that Turkey is in NATO. Are they afraid of themselves?

      • @[email protected]
        -511 months ago

        It’s so sad that you have to imagine your ideological opponents as paid shills of the government you know nothing about. It’s too hard for you to imagine that I’m actually a born and raised American white boy who went through the same indoctrination everyone else around me did and through self-crit, studying history, and engaging in dialog with people who challenge my deeply held convictions that I ended up disagreeing with your deeply held beliefs. It’s sad. I don’t need to imagine you’re something you’re not in order to understand why we disagree.