WHO warned that the reported number of cases and deaths do not reflect the true numbers. Read more at straitstimes.com.

  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    This started because you said if we had just locked down for two weeks we wouldn’t be in this mess, heavily implying we could have eliminated covid. No explanation of how that would have worked.

    (which we can)

    How, with proper details and logistical support? How do we actually wipe it out, because so far I’ve disproven what you’ve said because it’s literally impossible at the scale needed to actually eliminate a disease.

    theoretically possible to wipe out airborne disease (which, again, it is).

    Which diseases have we managed to wipe out?

    And of course it’s theoretically possible to eliminate disease, kill everyone and you no longer have disease. My point is it’s not realistically possible in any way to eliminate an airborne disease.

    could have wiped this out in as little as a few months

    Not what I said, I said it would take several months for spread to stop in a closed locked down condo building. You still have wild vectors to deal with, and spread from all your guards.

    It’s impossible to build more

    I didn’t say that, I asked you to tell me who is making them? And how are you preventing covid spread where they are being made? Where are you getting the materials to make them, and who is getting those materials to the factories? And again, how are you stopping spread in this system?

    I give very simple answers (“National Guard”)

    Simple because you fail to even consider any of the logistics behind it. Where are all the national guardsmen going to get their hazmat suits? How are you going to keep them perfectly in line? How are you going to deal with asymptomatic cases amongst them?

    or misunderstand how manufacturing works.

    No, that’s you. You seem to think hazmat suits and HVAC systems just magically appear out of nowhere. Explain to me, how in a few weeks of a new pandemic you’re going to get billions of these things manufactured and installed?

    You aren’t interested in this debate

    I am, you have yet to actually expand on the actual logistics of your imaginary full lockdown. Not simply, “oh the national guard will do it” but actual concrete logistics of how they will do it. Please, elaborate on how exactly this all works in your fantasy land.

    And I already have my doctorate, in bioanalytical chemistry, as I told you. What’s your educational background?

    • FfaerieOxide
      011 months ago

      This started

      …because you jumped into my notifications defending mass death

      heavily implying

      You’ve been being a jackass this entire time based on what you assumed I meant?

      Christ, dude.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        …because you jumped into my notifications defending mass death

        Because you said something stupid and incorrect. Don’t want people in your notifications, don’t post on social media.

        You made a false statement. Two weeks would not have stopped us being in “this mess”

        And in order to actually eliminate covid and get rid of “this mess,” you would need an incredible amount of mass death, killing anyone and anything that might have it in order to stop it.

        I’m not defending mass death, I’m defending reality.

        You keep saying it’s easy to eliminate an airborne illness, so why haven’t we ever managed to do it?

        I want you to expand on the logistics of what you’ve suggested. How do we actually eliminate a disease like covid and get out of “this mess”? With actual logistics, not just hand wavy “national guard…” What is actually needed, and how do we do it? It’s apparently easy according to you, just two weeks and it’s done. So how do we do it?

        • FfaerieOxide
          011 months ago

          I didn’t even read what you typed here.

          Guessing it’s more of you going on about how things are “impossible” when really they’re just things capitalists don’t want to do.

          You are tiring.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            Explain the logistics of your solution. How could we have stopped covid, with real world logistics?

            • FfaerieOxide
              011 months ago

              By “real world” do you mean capitalist?

              Are you just gonna complain, ignore, deflect when the answer involves seizing private property?

              I also question how deep you demand I pen this logistical plan you aren’t going to read any more than I read your last post.

              Not doing it, but like do you expect me to schedule each truck driver’s shift?
              Because Terry isn’t sure when his baby’s due and I still need to inquire about the hazmat certification Ron went out for Thursday last.

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                No, by real world I mean one in which billions of humans and trillions of animals live, and which has limited resources that still require labour to extract and process. That real world.

                Assume pure socialism or communism in every country for your plan for all I care, the issue isn’t the economic system.

                I’ve been reading your posts, and have pointed out flaws and holes in your plan you have failed to patch. Instead you just deflect, and change the subject or move the goalposts.

                And you still haven’t even gone into any detail. You want a full lockdown enforced by hazmat suite wearing national guardsmen. Okay, who is making the suits, because they won;t just magically appear. How do you keep the people making the suits from spreading covid?

                Covid spreads between condo and apartment units through ventilation. you suggest HVAC upgrades installed by gun totting hazmat suit wearing guards. Where are the HVAC systems coming from? We don’t just have billions lying around. Where are the technicians coming from? We need a lot of HVAC technicians to do the installations in the billions of homes worldwide.

                I’m not asking for a day to day schedule, just some simple logistics for how you plan on making and distributing billions of pieces of specialized equipment, all while maintaining a tight lockdown.

                  • @[email protected]
                    111 months ago

                    You can’t even defend your side of the debate. I’m asking you to explain the simplest logistics of what you suggest, and you won’t even try. When will you understand that means your argument is wrong?