No surprises here. Just like the lockdown on iPhone screen and part replacements, Macbooks suffer from the same Apple’s anti-repair and anti-consumer bullshit. Battery glued, ssd soldered in and can’t even swap parts with other official parts. 6000$ laptop and you don’t even own it.

    • King
      -21 year ago

      From your link

      European Convention on Human Rights

      acknowledges a right for a natural or legal person to "peaceful enjoyment of his possessions

      Universal Declaration of Human Rights

      1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

      2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

      No repair mention anywhere so idk what youre on about, also by your logic you dont own your 1950 fridge anymore because theres no one left to repair it, your argument is so stupid

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        No repair mention anywhere so idk what youre on about, also by your logic you dont own your 1950 fridge anymore because theres no one left to repair it, your argument is so stupid

        He’s talking about the right to repair you’re own stuff or have someone look at it. Not the right to a competent repairman. Those are two different things. I am not sure if you’re arguing in bad faith or if this is just a mistake to be honest.

        • King
          1 year ago

          Does someone forbid you from repairing it? I am not sure if you’re arguing in bad faith or if this is just a mistake to be honest.>>>

          No answer, evil government took him out after taking away his repair rights >.< (which rights arent even mentioned anywhere so idk what the fuck u feel entitled to that is allegedly being taken away here)

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Does someone forbid you from repairing it?

            They sign and lock hardware to prevent you from swapping parts. How do you not see this as bad and anti-consumer? Like they are actively preventing you from repairing something for no reason.

            • King
              11 year ago

              He’s talking about the right to repair you’re own stuff or have someone look at it.

              Your argument was this, not anti-consumer, so even though none of his sources mentioned a right to repair by government, only a right to own, a private entity making their parts hard to swap would not necessarily infringe on that repair right, as far as we are concerned it could only cover being allowed to attempt whatever repairs you want. Now, if you manage to find a source about that right to repair that ALSO mentions easy repairs by third parties, we can argue further

                • King
                  1 year ago

                  It is not a law in most places yet and yet you defended the other guy when you said he was claiming apple is violating his repair rights and that I was arguing in bad faith??

        • King
          11 year ago

          peaceful enjoyment of his possessions

          That obviously means government recognizing you have the right to own it and not arbitrarily depriving you of your property, maybe the other declaration below should have given you a clue 🤠. Now if u wanna claim the “peace” is referring to your mental state, then I can also claim I’m not at peace if my stuff cant give me a blowjob. Be reasonable and stop grasping at straws.

          So if it breaks, and i can’t repair it, then I lose this property.

          No, if your property breaks you still own property, broken property. The company is only responsible for a certain lifespan, it is called guarantee, dont like it, dont buy it.

          if a company prevents you from repairing your equipment

          They dont you are allowed to do whatever you want to it

          that company is either unwilling

          Theyre only responsible for guarantee

          do you consider the failure of the property to be an act of god which the vendor is in no way responsible for

          He is responsible for guarantee

            • King
              11 year ago

              Dont know which comments belong to your inbox but you instantly found block button what a quick learner, now you only have to achieve your government-backed peaceful state of mind 🤠

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                He never said the government guarantees a peaceful state of mine. Stop misinterpreting other people’s arguments just because you can’t make a valid one yourself.

                • King
                  01 year ago

                  so how do you enjoy your possessions peacefully if they break? is repairing them…not peaceful?

                  Lmao he said that according to government he should be able to not only own but also enjoy his property peacefully so yeah literally a government sponsored peaceful state of mind.

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 year ago

                    It means you can use the property in any way that isn’t violent. Completely the wrong meaning of peace you are using. They have go say peacefully so that hitting someone with a hammer isn’t covered by property rights.