Complaint claims organization’s “Great 78 Project,” which includes music from Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and more serves as an “illegal record store”

  • @MagicShel
    311 year ago

    “In reality, Defendants are nothing more than mass infringers.”

    Nothing more? Really? I mean it sounds like they are on shaky ground with this project, but that statement seems awfully reductive. It’s okay; they are allowed to be important and good and also be wrong (if they are, I’m not a lawyer).

    • Funderpants
      271 year ago

      Given the age of the music they cite this whole thing reminds me how ridiculously long copyright terms are.

      • Neshura
        131 year ago

        Imo modern copyright and trademarks will be our downfall. Can’t get shit done because big companies can just lock shit behind a closet for almost over a lifetime.