• Maple
    311 months ago

    Yeah! Glad to see so many people agree with our point of view as well. Religion and other factors have done so much damage to so many people, it’ll be a slow process I’m sure but maybe games like these will help fix our culture are reverse those puritanical and prudish views.

      • Maple
        611 months ago

        What the hell? I just want people to be able to be open about sexual topics and be okay with displaying their bodies without getting attacked or shunned. And for people to play games with anywhere from a little or a lot of sexual content without the fear of it being censored and them being called perverts and weirdos and whatever else, BG3 is a shining example of this.

        And if you think that it’s about treating women like sex dolls then I feel like you should take a good long look at yourself.

          • Maple
            211 months ago

            Right off the top you made a super bold assumption about my account and about me thus I won’t give you the time of day. Not like I could change your bigoted ass point of view even if I wanted to. Good bye.