• marx_mentat [he/him, comrade/them]
    5911 months ago

    Thank you so much for showing me that not every liberal I meet here will be ignorant and self-righteous. I can no longer say that has been the totality of my experience with them. I now have hope that my next encounter will be just as positive as this one was.

    • @AnomalousBit
      -211 months ago

      Ah cute, still nothing of substance to say. Stay peachy!

        • @AnomalousBit
          11 months ago

          Yeah, I’m the smug one for telling off this guy who blurts shit like “liberals are the loudest and dumbest people on here!”

          Get a fucking clue, dude.


          I’m sorry. This was not an attempt to misgender.


          • Awoo [she/her]
            11 months ago

            Does my username make me look like a dude to you? Why are liberals so fucking awful? It’s only ever you. Nobody in the left does this.

              • Unmarketable Plushie
                111 months ago

                Generally considering that “dude” is a somewhat masculine word, so using it to refer to someone with she/her pronouns in her username (implying that she doesn’t want to be referred to with male terms) without knowing if they’re okay with that word just makes you look like a piece of shit.

                • JGrffn
                  210 months ago

                  No the fuck it’s not. It’s used for everyone, it’s been used for everyone for decades at this point. Throwing a tantrum over being called a dude is plain fucking stupid, no girl I know takes issue with being called a dude, and they call each other dude. Shit’s genderless a f.

                  • Unmarketable Plushie
                    19 months ago

                    First of all, this thread is like, a month old? Why even bother responding to me at this time?

                    Anyway, “dude” is rarely gender neutral. Here are the two main definitions on Wikitionary:

                    1. (chiefly US, Canada, colloquial) A man, generally a younger man.
                    2. (colloquial, used in the vocative) A term of address for someone, typically a man, particularly when cautioning them or offering advice.

                    So yeah, totally a gender neutral word. /sarcastic

                    And it’s pretty obvious where the dogwhistle is, calling someone with she/her pronouns clearly listed a “dude” in a disparaging tone. Going “oh but it’s a gender neutral term” has the exact same level of insufferable, bad-faith smugness as an edgy 14-year old claiming that the swastikas they’re scrawling on their desk are actually Buddhist symbols.

            • @AnomalousBit
              311 months ago

              Your lack of social understanding is showing through. Maybe if you lived in any of the countries you disparage all day long (or just did something useful and constructive with your life besides troll farming), you might understand that “dude” is gender neutral these days. But sure, I’m sorry if my usage of “dude” really exacted a heavy load of social injustice upon you.

              • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                11 months ago

                Go fucking fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit. Talking about other people’s sOcIaL uNdeRsTandIng while you’re fucking misgendering people AND JUSTIFYING IT AS IF YOU’RE A FUCKING VICTIM once you’re called on it. You’re rancid scum and I hope we get fucking defederated so we don’t have to deal with filth like you.

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                2411 months ago

                Maybe if you lived in any of the countries you disparage all day long

                Most of the users on Hexbear are American and a decent number of the remainder are Brits and Aussies. Our criticisms do not come from having never received the privilege of witnessing these countries being shit first-hand, as much as you might like to pretend it’s only those dirty foreigners not understanding your national glory.

                • @AnomalousBit
                  11 months ago

                  I was continuing the train of thought that they are a troll farm employee, like I’ve spelled out in the other half dozen comments on this post. Their objective is literally to derail and misinform other countries that 90% of them have never visited, such great people, these troll farm employees.

                  Now, remind me again, where exactly did I say dirty foreigners? Oh. Just like a troll farmer, you always double-down on calling someone else racist when you’re losing the argument. Gotta have that re-direction.

                  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                    2111 months ago

                    So the foreigner part is self-evident, and I think the “second-world”, “potato vodka,” etc. covers the “dirty” pretty plainly. I don’t know why I’m even saying this, because basically what I’m doing is just teaching you to dogwhistle more effectively, but on the other hand this post is on lemmy, so hopefully I’m helping to point this out to other people so they will be more aware of these things when you and your ilk take your next crack at it.

                  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
                    1611 months ago

                    Yeah, we get it, you’re a paranoid national chauvinist on top of being a transphobic asshole, that was already obvious.

              • Awoo [she/her]
                11 months ago

                My lack of social understanding? Gender neutral?

                I have to smash through the wall like Hbomberguy right now

                “DO YOU FUCK DUDES? AnomalousBit?”

                Do you go around telling other people that you fuck dudes? What do other people assume you mean when you say that you fuck dudes?

                You could have just been like “Yeah you’re right, sorry I didn’t mean to misgender you.” but instead you doubled down on being a transphobic dickhead and literally proved my point about liberals being shitbags in the process.

                  • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                    1611 months ago

                    No, it wouldn’t be a problem if he said he fucked dudes. The implication though is that “dudes” is a gendered term. The complaint is that she was misgendered by someone who then doubled down on the misgendering. Her statement was not homophobic.

              • AcidSmiley [she/her]
                1311 months ago

                I don’t know a single trans person that views dude as a gender neutral term, the only people spouting that nonsense are transphobic cis dudes like you who make up excuses to misgender and harass us. Go die in a house fire, reactionary cissie shit.

                • commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
                  11 months ago

                  Real talk from a very trans-supportive communist: is this universal? I definitely grew up in a conservative environment but definitely was under the impression that I and the trans people I am close to all thought dude was a term of endearment when used amongst friends, including women and enbys. I likely overuse the term from thinking I would be a skater after playing Tony hawk’s pro skater and being into hiking/climbing/camping culture, but is this a universal thing among trans people you know?

                  Not defending the other person, libs very often hide behind the argument once called out, and I’d never call you “dude,” or pretty much anyone not my direct friend, but I just wanna make sure I’m not hurting people unnecessarily without knowing it. Maybe it’s the “being friends” part that makes the difference, and I hope so. Otherwise I got some trans-comrades to apologize to

                  Adding here after thinking more, I guess I usually use it to refer to a non-specific thing, like saying “ah dude, that’s cool” and shit like that. Like saying “oh man.” Is this related??? Need some help here lol

                  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
                    711 months ago

                    Real talk from a very trans-supportive communist: is this universal?

                    I find it to be at least extremely common, both in English-speaking spaces online and in German-speaking trans communities online and IRL (i’m German). Ultimately it’s a matter of preference, there will be trans people who disagree, but there definitely are a lot of us who take offense. Same goes for terms like guy and especially for bro / bruh etc., or for German terms like Typ or Alter (in this context roughly comparable to guy or dude) which are generally at least masc-leaning. I’d definitely take offense to all of these, but sure, there are exceptions.

                    Still, these are exceptions, and more importantly, what we see here is a perfect example of how not to deal with such a situation: When somebody calls you out on misgendering, the only sensible response is to edit the post in question and to apologize. If you do that, it’s normally no big deal, everybody moves on with their day. And it takes a few seconds to edit a post and a few more to reply “sorry, i’ve edited this” while it can quickly take hours to start an argument over this. Yet i see over and over again that liberals in particular are incapable of showing that amount of basic human decency. Instead, they have to assert their privilege to define what we’re allowed to find offensive, talk down to us and act as if they’re the one ones who’ve been hurt because we’ve called their feeling of superiority and infallibility into doubt by saying they’ve made a mistake. That’s where it gets transphobic even if the misgendering was unintentional, that’s where it gets patronizing as well.

                • @AnomalousBit
                  111 months ago

                  I blindly called someone dude on social media and you suggested I die in a house fire. While I regret doubling down on my crusade against trolls over this, your response seems entirely disproportionate.


              • Unmarketable Plushie
                211 months ago

                “Dude” can be gender neutral but given the context of it in your response it really fucking looks like a microaggression against her for being trans

                • @AnomalousBit
                  011 months ago

                  I’ve already explained in this thread that on the mobile client (both Memmy and Wefwef), pronouns are not displayed. After this comment, I had to log on to desktop just to see what everyone was on about.

                  I’m here to confirm that it was a proverbial use of “dude”, like you might see used in movies such as The Big Labowski, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Good Burger. It is pretty well established in the west that dude is used for about anyone.

                  I understand now that this might not be the case everywhere and I am truly sorry for any misunderstanding related to gender that I have caused here.

            • @[email protected]
              311 months ago

              “All liberals are evil right-wing transphobes because someone called me ‘dude’,” might be the most… Eh, fuck it, this is why humanity deserves to burn. The whole earth is a circus and we clowns, as a species, will all get what we deserve.

      • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
        4811 months ago

        Look, you started hot in this thread but tired after a few comments. They adjusted, you didn’t, and you got rocked; it happens. Hit the showers and we’ll get after it early tomorrow with some film.

        • @AnomalousBit
          11 months ago

          A guy named “420blazeit69”, who is clearly some kind of shitty LLM wielding troll farmer from his comment history, told me I got rocked. Guess I better call it a day!

            • @AnomalousBit
              -211 months ago

              Sorry your government (most likely Russia or China) is so shitty they have to pay you to (poorly) convince the rest of the world that they are even close to being as awful as them. I said nothing about any one’s race, but you’re doing great at redirecting.

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                3111 months ago

                I said nothing about any one’s race

                Earlier in the same comment:

                Sorry your government (most likely Russia or China)

                • @AnomalousBit
                  011 months ago

                  So, you racially identify as the Chinese Government…?

                  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                    2511 months ago

                    It’s not my government, and neither is Russia, but you aren’t fooling anyone by disparaging someone by identifying them as living in China (or Russia, since the EU recently decided again that it’s Not White Enough).

            • @AnomalousBit
              -411 months ago

              Hey! Do me a favor since you’re sitting next to 420blazeit69 at the troll farm. Tell him you guys better start winning some of these online arguments or else you’re both going back to live in the shitty commie blocks, drinking nasty ass potato vodka all day!

                • @AnomalousBit
                  011 months ago

                  Instead of (poorly) attempting to sow discord in a place you will never visit, amongst people you will never meet, don’t you guys have an inkling of desire to do something, you know, productive and upward with your life? I’m sure there has to be a better option in your society than grinding it out in a shitty troll farm.

                  • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
                    2011 months ago

                    i’m sure there has to be a better option in your society than grinding it out in a shitty troll farm.

                    Sadly, no. Here in the United States of America, there is no opportunity for those outside the ruling class. Hence I spend my days posting away in hexbear.net’s volunteer troll farm.

                • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                  11 months ago

                  Oh man can you imagine modern commie blocks with modern materials being built in cities instead the same dogshit five over ones? Owning a commie block with your commie neighbors, getting together and deciding to paint whatever, or knock some walls out and make an indoor community garden…
