• Xariphon
    191 year ago

    Cat chooses you.

    One time, I was putting in my window air conditioner on a Memorial Day weekend. Air conditioner is crooked, I’m annoyed.

    I’m in shorts and sandals, and I feel something… fuzzy… brush past my ankles. I look down, there’s nothing there.

    I go back to contemplating the crookedness of my air conditioner. About the time I’m realizing my air conditioner is level but my cheapskate apartment’s window is crooked, I feel that… fuzzyness… across my ankles again.

    I look down and this time there is this T I N Y grey-stripey kitten staring up at me. Looking at me like “you’re my human now, kay?” So of course I scooped him up, and he immediately set to purring.

    That was it. I had a cat now. He lived to be like 13 and grew up to be fucking enormous. Never overweight, just goddamn huge. Used to sleep on my feet every night… like a rock.