I posted a couple weeks ago about an upcoming mental health evaluation that I was anxious about. That evaluation was today.

For background, I am a middle aged white guy, previously untreated for any psychiatric condition except a < 2 month stint on SSRI’s about two decades ago after a nasty breakup.

I was seeking an evaluation for what I thought from my online research might be mild to moderate ADHD symptoms, which were starting to affect my job. I also have suffered from irrational anxiety for a couple years now, but it got really bad over the last year or so. I had tried going through my primary care doctor but, despite being a great GP, they were not helpful with this. I bounced off a few other attempts over several months before finally getting referred to a psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD. I saw them this morning.

I utilized the advice I was given and let the psychiatrist know very early in the meeting what my concerns were around rehearsing/masking, and that I was extremely anxious, not about the ‘interview’, but about the outcome. Mostly how I was very worried that I would appear to ‘have it together’ to such an extent that they would send me home to live with my issues without any help.

This was supposed to be a general mental health eval for about 50 minutes, but the doctor kept me there for about 85 minutes and I walked out with a fresh diagnosis of mild ADHD and three prescriptions. I’ve been prescribed daily low dose Focalin and a SNRI, along with an anti-anxiety sleep aid that I can take as needed. I had trouble finding a pharmacy that had Focalin in stock but eventually found one and I’m waiting for the prescription to get transferred by the doctor, so I likely won’t start that until next week.

I don’t know what’s next, I don’t know how these meds will affect me or if they will help at all, but I’m hopeful. I’ve very nervous about the SNRI because I did NOT like how I felt on SSRIs 20 years ago, but I’m willing to try what the doctor recommended. It feels like a new chapter is about to start, for better or worse.

Thanks to all that gave me advice in the other thread. I don’t know why I felt like I had to write all this out, but thanks for reading this, too. For everyone out there struggling, please don’t give up. It took me almost a year from when I knew I had a problem that needed some attention, until today when I finally saw someone who listened, agreed with my concerns, and took action. Keep trying.

  • 108beadsM
    1 year ago

    I’m so glad you’re checking back in with an update! And it’s good news you have found a psychiatrist willing to take the time to work with you. And that you have a handle on what’s “off,” and a starting point to getting you back on track.

    SSRIs, as you know, suppress the re-uptake (grab that molecule & recycle its components) of seratonin, the happy-feel molecule. SNRIs suppress the re-uptake of seratonin, and norepinephrine as well, essentially adreneline (the “I can face the day with confidence” molecule, which in larger amounts becomes “I wanna bite your head off” molecule.) In other words, it will probably feel different than a straight SSRI—I hope in ways that address the discomfort you had previously.

    I’m not familiar with the other Rx you mentioned; but again, it sounds like your doc is starting with small doses. Always a plus to start out conservatively and see how they affect you.

    I’m happy for you!

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      Thank you. Yes, he started me on the lowest dose of everything. He even said we could cut tablets in half for some of the meds if even this turns out to be too much. He took my concerns about the medications very seriously which was a big relief.