So, serde seems to be downloading and running a binary on the system without informing the user and without any user consent. Does anyone have any background information on why this is, and how this is supposed to be a good idea?

dtolnay seems like a smart guy, so I assume there is a reason for this, but it doesn’t feel ok at all.

  • TehPers
    11 year ago

    Maybe I’m missing something, but I’m not seeing where in serde we’re downloading a precompiled binary. I see a script we can execute ourselves in the repository and an alternative serde_derive that uses that executable (after we compile it), but not where the actual published package has the executable.

    It’s possible I’m missing something here though.

    • @BB_C
      1 year ago
      bsdtar tfv ᐸ(curl -sL

      Edit: Ogh, using which is a replacement character because Lemmy escapes the real one. This is annoying.

      There, you will see that this file exists:

      -rwxr-xr-x  0 0      0      690320 Jul 24  2006 serde_derive-1.0.183/serde_derive-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

      Yes, that’s a pre-built binary in the crate source release. It’s that bad.

      • TehPers
        11 year ago

        Looks like I missed that, I was checking locally but I must have been checking an outdated version of the package. I’d feel better about it if it compiled on the user’s machine, which is the impression I was getting.