No surprises here. Just like the lockdown on iPhone screen and part replacements, Macbooks suffer from the same Apple’s anti-repair and anti-consumer bullshit. Battery glued, ssd soldered in and can’t even swap parts with other official parts. 6000$ laptop and you don’t even own it.

  • Catweazle
    11 year ago

    @kylemsguy @pizzahoe @mechoman444 @catfish @frostwhitewolf @CorruptBuddha @legion02, maybe, it is clear that the standby power is very low, depending on the active modules, and that it does not need much cooling.
    Although in a closed space with the ventilation slits covered, it is possible that heat can accumulate. Normally for the laptop to wake up from standby requires a clear intervention, such as pressing a key or opening the screen, not very likely when in a case

    • kylemsguy
      11 year ago

      That’s the entire issue. Windows laptops with modern standby will wake from sleep without user intervention. It’s a bug that still hasn’t been fixed.

        • kylemsguy
          11 year ago

          If the default configuration causes random wakeups that drain the battery while it’s in my bag, then it’s a bug in the OS. This should never happen.

          • Catweazle
            11 year ago

            @kylemsguy @pizzahoe @catfish @frostwhitewolf @CorruptBuddha @legion02,It sure is a bug if the system wakes up without user intervention, this shouldn’t happen.
            But I think that the cause is that some service remains active, this would explain that the system wakes up but also the heating.
            Therefore, while MS does not fix this, it would be advisable to shut down the system to avoid this. This, if you use an SSD is not such a big difference to boot it.