There is no denying there are plenty of other methods that work better for others. However if you want:

  • Cheap
  • Quick & Easy Setup
  • Run on any device (Exception for iOS but you can get around this with Stremio Web + VLC)
  • Whole Movie + TV Shows catalog to browse. Seeing trending items is handy.

Only issue I have had is niche Movies or TV Shows just do not have a Real-Debrid entry to stream so I’ll have to manually search, but this is rare.

  • nieceandtows
    2 years ago

    So I have a question here. I live in USA. I have setup stremio with torrentio lite because I don’t have real debrid yet. I have provided the same stremio login to my parents who live in India because I’ve already set everything up. If I set up stremio with debrid, can I still share my login with my parents? I’m asking because I read something about real debrid banning your account if you use it from multiple ip addresses simultaneously.