Well I’m hopping around… again. I thought I had a good stable setup going but then something happens upstream that goes against what I want/believe in (looking at you RedHat) and I’m back on the hunt again.

I thought about trying out a Debian based distro but then I thought “why don’t I just use Debian itself (Sid, not stable/Bookworm)”.

Most if not all gaming software have a way to be installed on Debian so I don’t think that could be an issue.

Is anyone else using Sid? Am I missing something by not going with a gaming focused distro??

  • Yote.zip
    1 year ago

    Wouldn’t flatpak update do the trick for everything running in flatpaks? And apt update/upgrade for the rest?

    Yeah exactly. An update script just runs all these updates in a single command

    this is what mine looks like (apparently lemmy does not like &&'s so take care with the & bits):
    debupdate() {
      echo -e "##======================== Nala upgrades ============================##"
      sudo deb-get update 1> /dev/null # fetch deb-get repos ahead of time just for timing purposes
      sudo nala upgrade # nala is better than apt
      echo -e "##======================== Flatpak upgrades =========================##"
      flatpak update
      echo -e "##======================== deb-get upgrades =========================##"
      sudo deb-get upgrade
      echo -e "##======================== Rust upgrades ============================##"
      export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"
      rustup update && \
      cargo install-update -a # this is a custom cargo package: https://crates.io/crates/cargo-update - take care as this doesn't inherently recompile with the same flags you originally installed with
      echo -e "##======================== Homebrew upgrades ========================##"
      brew update && \
      brew upgrade
      echo -e "##======================== yt-dlp upgrades ==========================##" # I let yt-dlp manage itself
      $HOME/Applications/yt-dlp/yt-dlp -U
      echo -e "##======================== Antidote upgrades ========================##" # antidote is a zsh plugin manager
      antidote update
      sudo -u root zsh -ci 'antidote update'
      echo -e "##======================== Upgrades Finished ========================##"
    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Ah okay fair enough! Thanks for sticking to the conversation. I will rebase everything to stable and goes that a try for awhile!