"Over the weekend, a glitch on the platform meant that the site removed pictures and links on posts made before December 2014. The posts showed broken links instead of the pictures and videos that were previously there.

Several users noticed the glitch, with the technologist Tom Coates among those pointing it out. Coates referred to the glitch as “epic vandalism by Musk” and suggested it could be a cost-saving exercise."

  • 1bluepixel
    10 months ago

    “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” —Robert J. Hanlon

    More likely, Musk drank his own kool-aid and makes snap decisions believing he’s a genius that will invariably succeed, and no one is able to talk him out of his own hubris.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      But surely he would have to make atleast 1 excellent snap decision. Even if it was an accident.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago


        But there is a “flavour” of “stable genius” that is really just being arrogantly contrarian.

        And, if you’re surrounded by people around you giving you generally good advice, and your schtick is to say “when the crowd zigs, I zag”, then you’re doomed to be making generally bad decisions.