• Vahtos
    171 year ago

    Isn’t c/Programmer Humor already for memes?

    • ruffsl
      51 year ago

      Hear, hear!

      I’d prefer to keep all lang communities on topic. E.g. I occasionally block and unblock !c/programmer_humor when I want to read technical news or just have a laugh. If memes crossed into all local subs, then the noise-to-news ratio couldn’t be customized as easily.

      Although I suppose tagging posts would be a better compromise.
      Does Lemmy support tagging posts, or filtering feeds by tag yet?

      • snoweA
        31 year ago

        @[email protected] is working on tagging, but I wouldn’t expect it anytime soon. It’s a big feature.

      • Vahtos
        1 year ago

        My thoughts exactly. Tagging them (if possible) is OK, but kind of annoying to need to go to all these different communities and filter memes when there is already a dedicated community for programming memes.

        It also may turn off new arrivals that may be looking for a more serious community, and think all/most of the content is memes.

      • LaggyKar
        31 year ago

        Agreed, let’s keep memes separate from serious posts

      • @Jakob
        21 year ago

        Tagging would make sense if the community becomes larger and naturally people start requesting it. For now, I think memes should stay in Pr. Humor

      • @pythonoob
        01 year ago

        I didn’t care before but you make a good point. I vote keep them separate.