Black and white cartoon.  Left panel: a group blocks a road with a banner reading "No new oil | so there's a liveable planet for our children."  Right panel: A boardroom, with members of the board raising their hands.  In front of them is a chart showing planned oil extraction going well above a dashed line marked "Level beyond which there will be no livable plant for our children.

  • TehPers
    111 months ago

    Having visited the Netherlands, I have to say it’s an incredibly beautiful country with amazing public transportation and some of the friendliest people I’ve met. I wish we could be more like that. Instead, I often find myself avoid public transportation because of how much slower it is (easily an extra hour of transportation), the fact it just doesn’t usually go to where I need to go, and the risks associated with it (stabbings, stealing, etc) :(

    • Elise
      111 months ago

      It never ceases to amaze me how different the US is from western Europe. Especially how dangerous some places seem to be. Why would someone stab you on a bus for example?

      I have to say you guys have amazing nature and I’d love to go hiking there some time.