• @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    I also feel like it’s not accurate anymore.

    Java doesn’t run on iOS. Period. In fact it’s almost impossible to build an iOS app using Java - the only ways to do it are essentially to transpile Java to some other language, so Java isn’t running on iOS at all.

    iOS is one of the most popular operating system in the world by any measure. It supports a lot of languages.

    But not Java.

    • Γ7Σ
      111 year ago

      But that is not Javas problem, but IOS. They could use available languages, but they refuse and instead make you use their own programming language, swift. Even more vendor lock-in. Once you start using Apple shit, you join a cult of technology dictatorship.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Contrary to Java, Swift is open source. Compilers also are open source and available on Windows and Linux besides macOS.

        And it’s actually pretty easy to build apps in Swift using Visual Studio Code (you know, the Electron app available on every platform?)

        Now, have fun with Android Studio and your transpiled BS Kotlin

    • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
      101 year ago

      iOS is one of the most popular operating system in the world by any measure.

      iOS has a market share of around 30% worldwide and Android being close to 70%.

        • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
          81 year ago

          Its half of what Android has and its clearly not “most popular operating system in the world by any measure”.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            They said one of the most popular operating systems by any measure.

            It beats out all the BSD flavours, RedoxOS, TempleOS, MacOS (by an order of magnitude, I might add), Haiku, AmigaOS, Minix, just to name the more known ones. If you discount servers, it’s nearly 30x as popular as Linux. It’s on track to having more users than Windows. It gets beaten only by Android, Windows, and potentially Linux because of all the data centers (honestly kinda hard to get a real number on how many Linux servers are out there, especially since a lot are also virtual machines, etc)

            As far as operating systems go, iOS is in the top 0.5%, so definitely one of the most popular.

            • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
              31 year ago

              If there is a competition of 3 systems and you’re on 3rd place, then yes, you’re “one of”. But you’re still the last.

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                There are hundreds of operating systems, multiple are in the category of “actually used by tens of millions of people”: Windows, MacOS, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, iOS, webOS, Tizen, etc are the first that come to mind. iOS gets 3rd place out of those (assuming you don’t count billions of virtual machines running in data centers for Linux, in which case Linux also beats out Android). iOS will also beat out Windows soon enough because computers aren’t really a thing for normies anymore, most people just get by on a smartphone.

                If you only consider the 3 most popular operating systems in the world to be operating systems, then sure, iOS is in last place. But maybe broaden your horizons on operating systems and you’ll realize that iOS is ridiculously popular in the grand scheme of things. One day it might even reach #1 as 3rd world countries catch up economically and start buying more expensive phones, but that’s just speculation of course.

                Your argument is like “Athlete X was in last place in the olympics, so they’re nowhere near the top of their sport”, ignoring the hundreds of thousands of other athletes who didn’t make it to the olympics and never will.

    • @words_number
      41 year ago

      By “most popular” you mean most used, right? I’m asking because the word “popular” sounds like people would actually like the OS. I am using android solely because of the lack of alternatives (iOS being even worse). In general, mobile OSes are complete horseshit if you ask me.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        The ratio of iOS to all operating systems is way higher than the ratio of jelly fish to all species.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      iOS is the most popular operating system in the world by any measure? What the fuck did I miss since I last picked up my phone