I’m aware this has been the case since Windows 3.x, you always need an external program to ensure the executable is created with the icon you want. Why?

Please no mentions of Linux and other OSs, I know it’s trivial to do so for them.

  • I Cast FistOP
    010 months ago

    I don’t want a shortcut, I want the binary with a different icon. Programs compiled “from scratch” don’t have an icon and a shortcut is useless when a separate person downloads the binary in “the wrong folder”.

    • FishInABarrel
      1010 months ago

      Programs compiled “from scratch” don’t have an icon…

      As someone that wrote Windows applications for a living, that’s wrong. You just have to add a resource file and your icon.

    • @Lmaydev
      110 months ago

      You add the icon to resource file when compiling don’t you?

      I don’t remember it being much of a chore. But it’s been a while since I created a desktop app.

      I’m fairly sure Linux requires a separate file to specify the icon as well doesn’t it?