• leviosaOP
    10 months ago

    So it offers nothing over cmake…

    In your opinion, I’d say the overall integration and being an actual build system are offerings for starters.

    It also supports other languages like Zig, Pascal and Rust too. Here’s an example of C++ calling Rust, note the easy inclusion of Cargo crates…


    xmake is just nicer, more concise and 100% less shouty. People in general use cmake because it’s the de facto standard, not because they like cmake and its DSL.

    xmake can generate cmake files too so it’s not going against the grain. There are plugins for popular IDEs as well.

    • @lysdexicM
      10 months ago

      xmake is just nicer, more concise and 100% less shouty.

      Not really. It’s yet another build system whose main aspiration is to eventually match cmake’s capabilities but missing all the reasons that made cmake the de facto standard, such as the declarative straight to the point way of specifying targets.

      • leviosaOP
        110 months ago

        And yet lots of people use xmake and other alternatives…

        • @lysdexicM
          110 months ago

          lots of people use xmake

          Define “lots”.

          Also, your weekend pet project is not the same as a corporation’s cash cow.

          • leviosaOP
            210 months ago

            Close to half of C++ developers in that survey regularly use something other than CMake and I’ve seen projects at Microsoft and Epic Games use xmake. Why are you being such a pecker?