• lad
    210 months ago

    Regarding the last point: so it will take said dev just another 185 thousand years to get to Bezos level

    Regarding the first, there is a link to explanation about why this is not correct in the infographic

    • Bernie Ecclestoned
      10 months ago

      They also get stock options regularly and dividends…plenty of people have started successful businesses after gaining sufficient wealth.

      So, if we convince billionaires to sell all of their company slowly it’ll all be fine? That’s your logic?

      A, why the fuck would they do that?

      B, the shareholders via the board make the decisions, you think they’ll be happy with a CEO who has no skin on the game? And would have to be compensated by fuck tons of cash, which would hurt the business

      • lad
        210 months ago

        My logic is that not every “successful business” is worth billions. And maybe there’s sense in doing something with ones that are, like split them into several businesses that are not owned by a single person

        • Bernie Ecclestoned
          210 months ago

          Definitely. Regulators with no teeth and revolving doors for those with power and influence are the real danger.