• @lasagna
    10 months ago

    You won’t get me to defend Labour. But I’m a realist and I still see potential for a good future. Your defeatism will almost certainly not get us anywhere but whatever hellhole we are headed to.

    We see voting differently. I see voting as the beginning of a journey. It’s a very good entry point for people to understand the power balance within a society. It’s in a way why we teach mathematics in school. Not because we expect everyone to be a mathematician or to contribute to a change in mathematics. Though collectively it most certainly has had a very positive effective. See just how monstrously fast our technology has advanced since we started mass education.

    A lot of people will just vote and be done. But what if 1% become deeply interested? What if they go on to get others interested? What percentage of the population do our ministers represent?

    Honestly, since you brought your experience into this I’ll just say that for your age I’d hope for more wisdom. But this is no surprise.

    • @[email protected]
      010 months ago

      Yeah, you’re right. Do the same thing over and over again and definitely get different results this time.

      • @lasagna
        10 months ago

        History is a cycle. I’d rather not be in the shitty part of it, thanks. We are not there yet but we are in a turning point. And people like you are harmful. Maybe not by intention but that’s the result.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          As in 1997, a pineapple could beat the Tories at the next election. Nobody needs you cheerleading the Labour right as if everything will magically be fine if only they’re in power. It won’t. It’ll be a fucking disaster for generations to come. That’s the best of your least worst options and the very least you can do is make it clear that you are not fucking happy about it.

            • @lasagna
              10 months ago

              Oh, this is what interacting with Mastodon means. I don’t get notifications for the tags.

              And that’s okay, mate. I haven’t tried to look clever. I don’t consider myself clever. As a matter of fact, I’m a moron and I’m happy to be seen as such. Welcome to my level, by the way.

              I’m not used to things like Twitter much. Do people just not provide insight when they post? Your posts reads like “And I think neither correct nor clever. But I’m not going to say why because my head lives in my ass.”

              • MidgePhoto
                110 months ago

                @lasagna You sound like Twitter. Conventions on the Fediverse are not to, but I shan’t see if you improve.

          • @lasagna
            10 months ago

            If you’re still claiming that I think the Labour will magically fix anything then I doubt you have understood anything I said. Again, no surprise. I’m not saying any of this to convince you. From my perspective, you’re a lost cause. I’m not even sorry to say that. Get your shit together. You look sound like our water companies right now. Dumping toxic shit wherever they can.

              • @lasagna
                10 months ago

                You gotta be kidding me, mate. Do you lack even the most rudimentary understanding of government types?

                At the very least, try and understand what fascism is. You’re an insult to the people who have suffered under fascists.

                Current Labour is incompetent and corporate cockglobers. Facists though? Are you one of those who believe we are led by underground lizard or some bs of equal magnitude?

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago

                  I do know what fascism is. And I know why liberals usher it in whenever there is the merest hint of a threat from the left.

                  Do more reading and less cheer-leading.

                  • @lasagna
                    10 months ago

                    No. That link only proves that you know how to google and find articles that fit your narrative. Back in your days, did schools accept such blatant plagiarism?

                    And liberials? The fuck is this. We are not discussing American politics. Get out of here lmao. Are you a troll or some shit? This is so fascinating. If you are, you fooled me good and I just have to say that I’m damn impressed.