• zaktmt
      101 year ago

      Some of them are starting to go on r/Save3rdPartyApps to tell people who are upset to “get off our high horse” lol

      It’s just sad that people are trying to defend corporate greed man…

        • dismalnow
          1 year ago


          @Raji_Lev @zaktmt

          Imagine learning that people are eating free food at Burger King and complaining that they’re not serving McDonald’s at regular price.

            • dismalnow
              31 year ago


              @Raji_Lev @zaktmt @sour

              It’s a very poor analogy.

              I suppose it works better like so:


              You’re in line at McDonald’s talking to a buddy about how Burger King has better quality, is free, and that you’ll not be returning to McDonald’s in July because their burgers are going to cost $0.24 per microgram, and the owner is a clown.

              Someone unaffiliated with McDonald’s who is also standing in hears your comment and starts shouting for you to “GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE!”

              … not because they don’t like Burger King.
              … not because they have never tried Burger King.

              But because they closely identify with McDonald’s, and the clown that represents it.

              Hope that’s clear. Heh

              • Syltti
                11 year ago

                @dismalnow Ah, okay. Yeah, that makes more sense. I legit thought folks were getting free Burger King somewhere. xD

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I got banned from there because years ago for disagreeing with someone that a post was “being upvoted because girl” and politely pointed out to him that it wasnt really, and that he was a baby.

      I can understand the wanting to vent about a sub declining, because reddit certainly has lots of declined subreddits, but a lot of it was the usual “THIS IS TOO POLITICAL!” “THIS ATTENTIONWHORE GOT UPVOTED BYE BYE” and etc.