• iAmTheTot
    39510 months ago

    Nah. If you want to be outraged at Google, at least be correct.

    This has to do with Google “collections”, not synced bookmarks. Afaik, collections are a thing you only access on mobile through the google app, this doesn’t even have anything to do with Chrome.

    If you run chrome on mobile, for example, you don’t have access to the collections. It’s only through the google app.

    Almost certain they monitor collections because they can be shared with public.

    • @[email protected]
      7910 months ago

      They shouldn’t be monitored either way in my opinion as it’s just a bunch of links, but especially not while still private.

      Ultimately I don’t think it quite matters if it technically is bookmarks or “collections”, they seem clearly used in the same manner in this case.

      • iAmTheTot
        9110 months ago

        I don’t care if you’re mad about it like I said. I just care about accuracy. The person in the screenshot and this thread’s title are both inaccurate.

        • @[email protected]
          510 months ago

          I didn’t ever indicate I was mad, I simply stated my opinion. We already know it is inaccurate as you shared this in your original comment.

      • @[email protected]
        3710 months ago

        They aren’t. They are made from links that appear in Google search results. Google is notifying the person that the link you’ve saved is being removed. Therefore it will be removed from your collection as well.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Eh… the ultimate question, what if it’s a collection of CSAM links?

        Some moderation is fine, especially when it can be shared pretty easily. This isn’t private bookmarks, it’s “private” bookmark collections.

        Edit: For those downvoting, this is the same concept as a private Reddit/facebook community. Just because it’s “invite only” doesn’t mean it’s free from following the rules of the whole site.

        • @[email protected]
          5410 months ago

          CSAM is never an excuse to violate everyone’s privacy.

          I hate seeing people implying that it is. It’s no better then Patriot Act B.s that took away privacy in the name of catching terrorists.

          • Dojan
            1910 months ago

            This once more reminds me of the guy in Sweden who got assaulted by police, in his bed, because an American institution searched through his Yahoo mail and found pictures and videos of him and his 30 year old boyfriend and incorrectly flagged it as CSAM, and then forwarded it to Swedish authorities.

            There was no justice after that. No repercussions for either the Swedish police or the American government, and no damages paid to the guy.

            Could this sort of surveillance stop abuse of minors? Yeah absolutely, but at what cost?

            • @[email protected]
              -1310 months ago

              You’re equating a companies refusal to host links to piracy (or CSAM) and… literal assault?

              • Dojan
                610 months ago

                Yeah, absolutely. That’s literally what I said. In fact CSAM should come bundled on every single electronic device. Then it won’t be a problem anymore.

                Of course not. My comment was in response to the discussion about companies going through private emails and the like (which I recognise the original post isn’t about, but that’s what this conversation turned into) and how I take issue with that. You might argue that we have no right to privacy when we use products like gmail and whatnot, which would be a fair argument if they didn’t already dominate the market.

          • @[email protected]
            -410 months ago

            When those links are hosted on Google servers, publicly available to anyone handed the link to them?… how is that a private space?

            This isn’t reaching into your phone and checking the information you store on it, this is checking links you added and shared with others using their service. They absolutely have the right to check them.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Except that’s not how it works.

                If I go into a public park, put up a tent, then start breaking the parks rules, I’m not “in the clear” just because I’m in a tent and didn’t invite anyone else in.

          • Piecemakers
            10 months ago

            The fact that you think “privacy” existed even then is telling. The only thing that changed in that regard with the so-called Patriot BS is whether the gov’t could do it without the guile that otherwise had been SoP for decades. 🤦🏼‍♂️

            • @[email protected]
              -110 months ago

              I call them human parrots, they like to repeat words or phrases that they do not understand or lack full understanding to get the approval of their caretakers and receive treats.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Private has various meanings in various contexts. If I take you to the private booth at a club, does it mean I’m allowed to slap around the waiter? No, of course not because rules still apply in private places hosted by a third party.

            If you want privacy in the context you explicitly mean, you shouldn’t be using anyone else’s hardware to begin with. If you expect any third party company to be fine with posting anything on them, you’re gonna have a bad time.

            For example, how many lemmy instances are fine with you direct linking to piracy torrents?

            • @[email protected]
              610 months ago

              I’d not expect the private booth to have the club’s employee sitting there and waiting for me to do something that is against the rules preemptively.

              We mostly argue about semantics, but in this instance you are trying to excuse some very questionable behaviour by companies by saying something along the lines of “well you better go and live in a forest then”. And I don’t think that’s a good take.

              For example, how many Lemmy instances are fine with you direct linking to piracy torrents?

              Irrelevant, as all content on Lemmy is public in a proper sense of this word.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Yup. As an analogy, we rent apartments but that doesn’t revoke our right to privacy. We’ve decided people deserve privacy even if they’re only renting and not owning. Same should be true when one is renting space online to store things.

              • @[email protected]
                -210 months ago

                Irrelevant, as all content on Lemmy is public in a proper sense of this word.


                How many file hosting services let you share pirated data, publicly?

                Before you start in on “it’s not the same” it absolutely is. It’s private data, which is being shared through a link publicly. Just like bookmark collections.

                And once that file has been identified as piracy, it is very often fingerprinted and blacklisted from not only that instance, but all instances past, present and future.

                That’s essentially what is going on here.

                • @[email protected]
                  910 months ago

                  Scary illigal content here

                  I guess we test and see whether I get banned.

                  Also, it’s not the same. A link to a website is not “pirated content”. A link to a website in a “collection” not shared with anybody is not publicly available pirated content.

                  Why would Google preemptively ban a set of characters that does not constitute a slur and is perfectly legal to exist?

                  • @[email protected]
                    -210 months ago

                    Why would Google preemptively ban a set of characters that does not constitute a slur and is perfectly legal to exist?

                    Because they can? Unless your argument is that a third party site should be forced to allow anything that isn’t illegal, or a slur, I’m not really following your train of thought here.

    • @[email protected]
      5610 months ago

      I’m getting really sick at the amount of misinformation that gets spread here. There’s plenty of stuff to hate Google without making shit up, and resorting to misleading titles.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Beats me, I only use chrome if firefox cannot display the site correctly. And it’s a case to case basis at that, it has to be that I really really need to access that site.

        Also i rarely use the Google apps that came with my phone. The most probably used one is Maps.

        Edit : so yeah, I forgot. I’m on Android. There’s that, no escaping from them on my part. I can’t be bothered with using and installing my own phone OS.

        • Link.wav [he/him]
          210 months ago

          I’m with you. I’ve disabled some of the more intrusive system apps and Google apps, but there’s no replacement for Maps atm. The best I’ve found is OsmAnd, but it is unusable for me because there’s no way to track movement while observing the convention of north = up.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Basically the Google equivalent of Pocket Reader; saves a whole bunch of links from Google News/Articles for you, Google search, and general web links. It’s not the same as your Chrome bookmarks (though at one point they were considering merging them until everyone hated it).

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Ok, I just checked. My collections consist almost entirely of saved maps locations of which restaurants and tourist places I want to visit. Interesting.

    • @[email protected]
      1310 months ago

      Crazy that I had to scroll past 9 other comments to reach this one. Maybe I oughta start sorting comments by top.

      • Zellith
        -110 months ago

        I think you need to boost, not upvote. But I could be wrong.

        • @[email protected]
          810 months ago

          As far as I’m aware boosting is only a kbin thing. I haven’t seen it in any Lemmy client.

      • iAmTheTot
        310 months ago

        I’m not aware of a way of making your bookmarks public through chrome.

    • The Barto
      310 months ago

      Aww man, I was hoping google was gonna clean my bookmark up for me.

      • iAmTheTot
        010 months ago

        That’s not a function of chrome though, I can do that on any browser.

          • iAmTheTot
            010 months ago

            Okay sure but that’s not a service that google is explicitly providing and hosting on their server. Bookmarks are saved locally.