I suppose Baldur’s Gate 3 could be an example for a lot of people. Any recent or just “recent” release you are waiting for to get at the moment?

  • @[email protected]
    231 year ago

    Starfield, waiting to see how many issues it has and what actual gameplay and graphics looks like.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      Yeah I’m shocked at how quick people forgot Fallout 76, and the plethora of other broken Bethesda releases.

      Don’t get me wrong I’d love for it to be good, but I’ve just been burned too many times to trust it at launch haha

        • @spartanatreyu
          41 year ago

          first major release under daddy Microsoft, so things may be different

          I wouldn’t hold my breath:

          1. Bethesda’s management have always unvalued spending effort on engine development
          2. Microsoft’s awful mandated top-down rules are what seriously messed up Halo Infinite:
          • To go into this point in more detail:
            • 343 industries hired a large amount of “temporary” contractors to work on Halo Infinite (this is standard in AAA games)
            • For legal reasons, any contractor who had worked on a project for 18 months is given workers protections
            • Microsoft mandated that each contractor be “let go” right before reaching this 18 month time-frame.
            • During the regular process of development, different developers would build different things, then over time either help out with any questions on how to use it, or tweak it to support a new use case.
            • During Microsoft’s mandated development, the developer who built a tool or best knew how it worked was let go. Since it’s easier to write new code rather than read existing code unassisted the developer who needs something done before a deadline has to build a new tool. After 5 years we now have 40 something tools that are all built based on different assumptions that keep overwriting each other’s results in wildly expected way. No one knows how anything works anymore.
        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Yeah I imagine Microsoft will push for less bugs, which seems to be the case, but that game engine is so jank. Unless they made giant upgrades to it, I expect it to still have many of the same old limitations

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Same, I’m probably going to wait until the first sale since I don’t want to support $70 as the new game standard unless the game is actually worth it (not a big ridden mess and bugs get patched in a timely manner, content and gameplay lives up to the hype, etc). If it sounds like there aren’t many bugs and the content lives up to the hype I may buy it at $70, but I’m trying to avoid it without missing out

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        It’s on Game Pass if you’re on PC/Xbox and your country is covered. Feels good to be able to play a triple A game for “free” tbh