Hello, I currently have just a little experience with asp.net and rest api’s, but most of my development is windows desktop apps. I’d like to learn a javascript framework (angular, react, vue, or next.js are some I’ve looked at) and I was wondering if anyone knows of a good tutorial for using one.

  • @spartanatreyu
    1 year ago

    Honestly, I’d advise against learning a js framework (at least at first).

    Everything that you can do with a framework, you can also do with vanilla js (that’s code for plain js without any frameworks).

    So why should you focus on the language first?

    1. If you’re just starting out then the most basic things you’re going to try to do will be easily achievable with plain js anyway. (The tricky part is the learning how)
    2. Frameworks change and even when they don’t, different projects will use the same frameworks in different ways. But js works everywhere, always.
    3. Having a good grasp of js will help you understand how frameworks do what they do, and eventually why they do what they do. When you understand both the how and why, you’ll know when to use a framework’s escape hatches to add functionality that the framework doesn’t support itself.
    4. Learning the language itself sets you up for future success, so you don’t need to redo step 2 every 6-24 months.

    My advice: use a code editor that has good support for js (e.g. vscode), do a bunch of js tutorials, and make yourself the following projects in order:

    1. A calculator app (makes sure you have a grasp of input, output, and events)
    2. A todo app (makes sure you have an understanding of arrays, for loops, objects and storage)
    3. A client using the Hacker News API (makes sure you understand json and fetch)

    When you get stuck in any of these projects, that just means you’ve got more js to learn.

    • ReiOP
      11 year ago

      Gotcha, I will make those projects, thank you!