Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.

This is murder.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      bottom line, sober or not, evasion is not reason enough to kill someone.

      i don’t think anyone should run from the police, provided the system is working the way it should. but i also don’t think police should put themselves in front of an evading vehicle either. that’s needless danger, and any force used with that danger as justification is needless force.

      in this case, unless she’s in a stolen car there’s no way the cops couldn’t find her basically immediately after this crime. obviously for violent/dangerous criminals the approach should be different, but for shoplifting? are we serious here?

      this many officers being dispatched for fucking shoplifting is already a waste of resources, are we gonna die on the hill that it’s totally fine for police to facilitate the escalation of that into death? there’s so many ways this coulda gone that aren’t death, and if cops can’t figure that out then they need more training at the very least.

      i mean no disrespect by the way, you’re making your points very well and i appreciate the discourse.