• HelloImFrank
    221 year ago

    If Reddit had just kept their mouth shut, 2 days after the blackout most subs would be back online and the others would eventually follow.
    But no Spez had to open his mouth and take actions, forcing subs to open again, telling lies about the app creators.
    Basically turning all of Reddit against him.

    • starstough
      231 year ago

      He’s panicking. His biggest lie is that this protest doesn’t matter and hasn’t and won’t impact Reddit financially. It already has and will continue to do so. You can tell that the people who actually post content worth viewing are here and not there, despite the smaller numbers over here.

    • HaroldSax
      71 year ago

      I mean it’s not just reddit. While investors probably don’t care, the fact that he lied about easily disprovable things that did or did not happen doesn’t bode well. I don’t think it’s going to hurt their bottom line any time soon, but that kind of spinelessness isn’t exactly liked.

    • quirzle
      61 year ago

      Yeah, the angry irrational reactions show that all the talk about the protests just being noise was a bluff. It might have blown over, but it hasn’t exactly because it got a reaction.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        He was right that Reddit is “too big to fail”, but he’s doing the equivalent of keying a car he’s planning to sell every time he opens his mouth. He’ll still get money for it, but he’s completely unnecessarily lowering its value.

        • RoundToo
          21 year ago

          I’d say it’s kinda like having a “10-second” car that everyone loves and wants, but then you start ripping out some of the best performance parts and installing inferior parts in their place.

          Does the car still run? It does. Is it slowly imploding because you’ve upset the engine’s balance to the point where it’s becoming dysfunctional? Also yes.

          It’s only a matter of time before the pretty paint job no longer hides the garbage under the hood.

    • Jon-H558
      21 year ago

      to be fair they did let the 2 days pass, they only started hitting out at mods of the ones staying dark.

      But the app creator lies in the lead up is dumb