• Nougat
      361 year ago

      That’s more a prudish American culture thing than a reddit-specific thing. We went to see the latest Guardians movie over the weekend, in which they foleyed out the line “classy hoes” from No Sleep Till Brooklyn, and showed all sorts of violence, gory deaths, and lots of pretty fucking serious child abuse. And finally dropped the first f-bomb in any MCU movie, in the line “open the fucking door,” which was said not in anger, but in exasperation.

      America loves its violence, but don’t you dare make any reference to anything close to sexuality.

      • frevaljee
        61 year ago

        Wasn’t usa founded by literal puritans? So it sorta makes sense from a historical/cultural perspective

        • Nougat
          51 year ago

          Ehhh, sort of. Yes, a group of Puritans came over on the Mayflower, but they were about half the passengers. The other half were in it for the money, going to set up shop in the new world for mercantilist purposes. Which explains kind of a lot.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            Religious fanatics and greedy people took over a huge continent with a lot of resources. Yup, where we are now is a very expected result.

            • JonEFive
              11 year ago

              Combined with personalities that were ambitious enough to leave literally everything behind and make a rather perilous trek just for the opportunity to access and potentially exploit those resources.

      • tjp
        31 year ago

        Nah this was a reddit thing.

        Reddit’s response to all the protests and stuff is that it’s a small minority of users. These moves by mods were meant to thin the herds of casual users (perhaps relying on American prudishness) but they followed all the rules around NSFW content. This response by reddit is more lying and gaslighting.

      • keeb420
        21 year ago

        law and order:svu was a great example of this, imho. you can show someone getting murdered but they are always fully clothed or positioned so that nothing is revealed.

    • ikantolol
      261 year ago

      huh, I remember they actually banned a sub (WatchPeopleDie, IIRC) about footage where people actually dying, like the sub is full of videos of people’s last moment, not like the PeopleFuckingDying which is a funneh sub, or WatchPeopleDieInside which is another funneh sub. Maybe it’s too morbid.

      • Montagge
        371 year ago

        I can go watch people die in a horrific manner in CombatFootage any day all day

            • borkcorkedforks
              111 year ago

              That is really the only reason they’ve done anything in the past about subs. That or the risk of actual legal trouble.

              Similar things happened to jailbait and thedonald. Without media attention those subs would probably still be active.

  • quirzle
    1271 year ago

    It’s crazy how reddit’s run like it’s a 1-2 year old startup still trying to figure out how guidelines, communication, consistent rule enforcement, etc. work.

    It’s becoming more and more apparent the site’s success was despite the company running it, not because of it.

    • @[email protected]
      801 year ago

      Well, whether Reddit likes it or not, mods were a department of specialists working on some unique aspects of their business.

      That whole department got told to get bent, in essence fired, but they don’t even have contracts in place preventing “disgruntled employee” stuff.

      This is what happens.

      • StaggersAndJags
        1 year ago

        They were actually told to get bent but not fired, which is even funnier. Imagine insulting and belittling a key department in your company but letting them continue to run things.

        • explodingkitchen
          21 year ago

          Imagine insulting and belittling a key department in your company but letting them continue to run things.

          Hey! Some of us come here to get away from work!!

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I am starting to realize it’s not “work” I want to get away from, it’s Wall Street.

            I mean it’s not my boss or their bosses who are saying that my work won’t help cancer patients unless they pay a 100 bucks for something I can make for 3 bucks, it’s the Wall Street investors who bought the company.

            And it’s not the corporate hierarchy at Reddit that tells me that they need to blast ads in my face and make me argue with bots, it’s the Wall Street investor valuing its IPO.

      • WarLorax
        151 year ago

        Mods are the QC on the free product made by volunteers.

    • HelloImFrank
      221 year ago

      If Reddit had just kept their mouth shut, 2 days after the blackout most subs would be back online and the others would eventually follow.
      But no Spez had to open his mouth and take actions, forcing subs to open again, telling lies about the app creators.
      Basically turning all of Reddit against him.

      • starstough
        231 year ago

        He’s panicking. His biggest lie is that this protest doesn’t matter and hasn’t and won’t impact Reddit financially. It already has and will continue to do so. You can tell that the people who actually post content worth viewing are here and not there, despite the smaller numbers over here.

      • HaroldSax
        71 year ago

        I mean it’s not just reddit. While investors probably don’t care, the fact that he lied about easily disprovable things that did or did not happen doesn’t bode well. I don’t think it’s going to hurt their bottom line any time soon, but that kind of spinelessness isn’t exactly liked.

      • quirzle
        61 year ago

        Yeah, the angry irrational reactions show that all the talk about the protests just being noise was a bluff. It might have blown over, but it hasn’t exactly because it got a reaction.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          He was right that Reddit is “too big to fail”, but he’s doing the equivalent of keying a car he’s planning to sell every time he opens his mouth. He’ll still get money for it, but he’s completely unnecessarily lowering its value.

          • RoundToo
            21 year ago

            I’d say it’s kinda like having a “10-second” car that everyone loves and wants, but then you start ripping out some of the best performance parts and installing inferior parts in their place.

            Does the car still run? It does. Is it slowly imploding because you’ve upset the engine’s balance to the point where it’s becoming dysfunctional? Also yes.

            It’s only a matter of time before the pretty paint job no longer hides the garbage under the hood.

      • Jon-H558
        21 year ago

        to be fair they did let the 2 days pass, they only started hitting out at mods of the ones staying dark.

        But the app creator lies in the lead up is dumb

    • nude
      131 year ago

      I think its going to end up a successful move for them.

      They built a platform. The users built the site over the years with minimal interaction from reddit.

      They now have a platform, millions of users, and full control of what they want on that platform.

      The writing has been on the wall for a while now, they want the traffic but don’t want the problems that come with mostly community driven content.
      All the profile redesigns, ability to “follow” users, profile pics, awards, all that has been an indication of the direction over the last few years. The last few steps was to kick out the problem users and be left with those who don’t really give a shit and just want to see memes on their phone while they take a shit. The people who hear about reddit and just grab the official app from the store. The people who don’t care about APIs and protests and modding or accessibility tools. Just eyeballs to look at their ads.

      Those people will stay. It doesn’t matter if 25% of the community leaves, because the natural growth in the next few months from the eyeballs will claw it back over time.

      Once they have an obedient user base who are strictly bound to what reddit want them to see, think TikTok or facebook users, that’s when they will see off. And it will pay off handsomely.

      • @[email protected]
        301 year ago

        But, you see, the biggest problem here is: these generic users do not post anything. They may repost from Instagram or Tik Tok, or whatever, but if the power users, the ones responsible for the good content that the casual access leaves, it’s just a matter of months for it to die for good.

        • Overzeetop
          211 year ago

          I think years instead of months, but the rest is spot on. 30M pics users and 50k voted on the Sexy John Oliver change. 0.16% engagement on one of the highest traffic subs. So much of the front page has become tiktok it just a matter of time before people get their content direct from the source. The rest are news stories with the same arguments over and over again (ChatGPT and comment repost bots are already driving those) and reposted videos and memes from the last decade.

          I’m still convinced that Google is driving a great deal of traffic to the site due to the depth of problem solving in old posts. I got a comment or DM every week or two thanking me for a solution I’d posted 3, 5, even 7 years prior. Those are all deleted now, and I’m keeping my account to regularly purge any restored content. If the top 100k-200k posters deleted their content, many google searches would lead to a dead end. Eventually it will end up like pinterest - you’ll put -site:reddit.* in your search (or add an extension to do so) just to avoid getting the useless results.

          A site a large as reddit doesn’t die overnight, any more than Digg, Twitter, Usenet, or any other platform that is past its prime. But it certainly doesn’t bode well for the future value or IPO success.

          • ferociousfloof
            91 year ago

            I agree, memes are fun but they won’t keep a site alive. Reddit had it all which is what made it so compelling. You could catch up on some news between the memes while still keeping tabs on the current meta for Hearthstone.

            When I “left” Slashdot for Reddit it was the depth of the site that made it so interesting. Slashdot was just people who were commenting on articles vs Reddit that had whole communities based on just about everything.

            Reddit may recover to a degree but once the 3rd party apps fully die and people are forced to suffer the Reddit built app alone on mobile I think we will really start to see what kind of trends will emerge.

          • Jon-H558
            21 year ago

            due to the way statistics works if you can get a truly random sample then a sample of 9600 voters can predict the US presidential election to an accuracy of 99%

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              The problem is getting a truly random sample though. The subset of users who voting on those polls probably includes a decent number of angry folks watching for news on such protests here on Lemmy or other platforms, and excludes a lot of people just scrolling for funny pictures

        • quirzle
          81 year ago

          And the mods are the ones that fight the phishing scams, disinformation bots, t-shirt spammers, etc. If reddit were capable of automating those away, they wouldn’t still be so prevalent.

          I straight up don’t believe reddit staff is as technically competent as those at Meta/IG or TikTok. They can’t pull it off without a volunteer army filling in the capabilities gap.

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        I would have agreed with you if it had just been the API changes, but the recent behaviour from admins is extremely alienating. All they needed to do to fix this situation is strike a deal with app developers and say sorry. The protest would have been over in a day and things would have largely gone back to normal.

        Instead, they dug in their heels and behaved like insecure little tyrants. They lie, they force mods out of their subs, they undelete comments, etc. There’s no trust left between admins and community, and in the long run that’s going to kill the website.

        The thing that makes reddit great is the user created content. That content is provided by a tiny minority, while the vast majority just consumes.

        Most of the people creating the content care about the platform, and they will leave if they are alienated enough. That’s not even mentioning the thousands of hours of unpaid mod work. You might find some power-hungry replacements for the bigger subs, but the quality of mods will decrease, which will make the community worse in the long run.

        If they continue on this path, reddit will end up like 9gag. There’ll be content, but very little of it will be original, and it won’t be all that interesting for targeted advertising like it currently is.

        It won’t disappear, but it certainly won’t be a multi-billion dollar company.

    • Zuberi
      91 year ago

      It’s an intentional tanking of the company :)

      • quirzle
        221 year ago

        I’m more inclined to believe it’s just incompetence.

        • Gigahertz5061
          71 year ago

          Agreed. Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence. Hanlon’s razor

      • naught0
        41 year ago

        Why? By who? Wouldn’t employees and particularly spez want the platform to succeed so they can cash out?

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          They got the wrong references. Spez thinks he is a Musk look alike but he did not realize Musk paid more for Twitter than the company will ever make for him, even if he does make it become profitable.

          • JonEFive
            11 year ago

            He’s emulating a guy who is running his own company into the ground. They’re both going to be left with empty shells of what they first inherited. I can at least give the slightest benefit of the doubt to spez’s original intentions years ago, but it hardly matters now.

            And if course there will be no consequences to either of them that affect them directly. They’ll both still have more money than they know what to do with.

      • scamper
        11 year ago

        the ‘4D Chess defense’. we can’t keep saying that mistakes are actually intentional when there are so many examples of the mistakes, being made for the same reasons, by the same types of people (out of touch CEOs with terrible judgment)

    • The_Cameron
      51 year ago

      If you go by Spez (Hoffman) literally saying recently “We’re 18 years old. It’s time we grow up” and “It’s time we grow up and behave like an adult company”, it can give you insight into how he thinks of Reddit (and age, as he was a former /r/jailbait mod). The idea of ‘age’ in a company is such a man-childish way to think about it. The idea that after 18 years you, as a co-founder of a company, apparently have just such little thought into this is mind boggling and shows he’s basically just coasted the entire time. He apparently hasn’t:

      • Determined the vision of the company (therefore the guidelines, rules, etc)
      • Have a roadmap about where this is going (short of the sudden push for IPO)
      • Figured out how to turn a profit without alienating the user/mod base

      This should evoke no confidence from any current or potential investor and while I initially hoped for this guy to be forced out, so I could come back. I don’t think it will get rid of the issues of platform and community stagnation, toxicity, bots, or the push to make a profit. At this point with this whole Kbin/Lemmy/Threadiverse-era on the horizon, I’m actually excited. This is a great time to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and where we want to collectively go with these platforms and how make it work for us. I’m looking forward to the future and to shake off the malaise that clicking on Reddit basically everyday for the past 18 years has done to us.

      • quirzle
        11 year ago

        At this point with this whole Kbin/Lemmy/Threadiverse-era on the horizon, I’m actually excited.

        Same. People always opine about how reddit was better X years ago, but it really was. Over the past dozen years, I’ve gradually unsubscribed from every default sub and most larger ones. They always turn into meme-factory shitholes full of puns, recycled one-liners, and totally irrational explanations why you’re wrong (many of these seem to come from intentional contrarian accounts/bots). There’s a demand for that stuff, sure, but it’s gotten harder and harder to find sincere, thoughtful comments.

        I’m planning to delete my reddit account next week, but already finding myself coming here more frequently because the quality of the interactions is better. I can’t recall the last time I received a comment there with as much time/effort as the one I’m replying to right now.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I always found Reddit to be more enjoyable in the niche subculture stuff anyways, hopefully some of those communities move over here. You would think that the admins for Reddit would understand the “innovate or die” mentality, but that unfortunately does not seem to be the case. I too am looking forward to what Lemmy/KBin brings as a replacement.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Not gonna lie. I’ve gotten in a few arguments here and people are surprisingly polite. Like, for real. People respect and talk to you like you are a person with different opinions, and not the enemy. It’s been great.

          • quirzle
            11 year ago

            you are a person with different opinions, and not the enemy

            This is the mindset that’s bothered me the most, seems to be growing over time, and is what I meant when I mentioned contrarian accounts/bots. Seems like it stemmed from political subreddits, but it’s everywhere and about everything now. Even related to the api changes, I’ve had people reply to me with totally asinine things like defending forcing ads on users (even paid users) and how blind people don’t need special consideration because their screen readers should be able to scrape the website, and it’s their problem not reddit’s if they can’t.

            So much ridiculous hostility and dehumanizing over such dumb shit.

    • tjp
      11 year ago

      Willfully forgetting how those things work. Like his hero over at twitter.

  • wreel
    471 year ago

    As much as Steve has already shown he’s willing to lie outright (especially we characterizing his talks with the Apollo Dev) I really can’t put it past Reddit to lie about the mods “encouraging” porn posts.

    • minnieoOP
      751 year ago

      r/mildlyinteresting did not encourage it, and Reddit lied about that, and their removal and suspension was revoked by a different admin than the one who removed and suspended them. Here is the post, “The Reddit Admins are lying - r/MildlyInteresting did NOT allow or encourage users to post ANY sexually explicit content, see draft of now-deleted announcement”:

      • techno156
        1 year ago

        Given how that’s been going, and how that subreddit apparently got caught in the crossfire, it kind of makes you wonder what’s going on behind the scenes at Reddit. With a different person revoking it and apologising, it kind of seems like the admins aren’t really communicating to each other, and that some are putting out fires that the others are lighting.

        EDIT: No Apology, just an explanation.

        • Skelectus
          181 year ago

          I can’t imagine that everyone in the company is like spez.

          • Adama
            1 year ago

            Yet disorder and ambiguous goals/requirements by management tends to have a domino effect.

          • quirzle
            41 year ago

            I wonder how many people were hanging around hoping to cash out after the IPO and are realizing it’s not going to go as well as they thought because they’re being led by spiteful idiots.

        • minnieoOP
          51 year ago

          I didn’t see anything about an apology, where can i see this?

          • starstough
            11 year ago

            In the comments on one of the articles on The Verge about this, someone claiming to be a mod over there said they were reinstated. I know you can’t really prove that, but maybe that’s where this notion comes from?

            • minnieoOP
              41 year ago

              they have been reinstated, thats confirmed and you ca go look and confirm for yourself, im talking about i never saw an apology from any admin or reddit

            • athos77
              1 year ago

              I think there was a comment later, in another thread, where all the reinstated mods later had their permissions changed so that literally the only thing they could do was modmail, nothing else. Don’t completely remember if it was the same group of mods, but I think it was.

              • pizza_rolls
                31 year ago

                It was. Seems the admins are infighting now. They were all banned and removed, then reinstated, then had all their mod permissions removed a few hours later

        • NRVulture
          31 year ago

          Just once again shows that, as always, users are the one that makes Reddit Reddit.

          Polarized actions like this is just Reddit showing off their inability and ignorance to the community.

          All I can hope for right now is that every shitty things that happened so far is all because of spez and spez only. He’s the one and only almighty CEO and nobody can disagree him (basically Zuck 2.0?)

        • WandersFar
          1 year ago

          Par for the course at Reddit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Consistency has never been their strong suit.

          • tool
            11 year ago

            That’s nonsense, the ‘C’ in “Reddit” has always stood for “Consistency.”

    • Kichae
      171 year ago

      “Wait, volunteers? Did they just said they don’t have to pay 99% of their workforce? Sign me up!” – People who own property for a living

    • meat_popsicle
      51 year ago

      Tech companies can’t help but abuse people. They passed the law allowing gig workers to be a separate class in California and some immediately tried to dictate start times and schedules.

      All Reddit has to do next is tell their volunteers when they need to do their jobs and where.

  • BorgDrone
    331 year ago

    their suspensions and removal have been revoked by a diff admin

    I wonder if that means there is also disagreement within reddit itself.

    • boobies
      141 year ago

      I think its an early test version of a script to automate the process of demodding subs that turned on the NSFW tag.
      It was a small scope test to see what could happen.

        • bruzie
          31 year ago

          They don’t know what accessibility is, what makes you think they have test environments?

          • BorgDrone
            11 year ago

            Everyone has a test environment. Some are lucky enough to have a separate environment for production.

        • tool
          21 year ago

          Testing in prod? Bold.

          Everyone has a test environment. Some of us are lucky enough to have a separate Production environment.

          • RoundToo
            1 year ago

            The quality of the test environment isn’t guaranteed though. I ran a production system that had a shell of a “test” environment with no data from prod. I repeatedly told the vendor testing in their “test” environment was worthless because without the prod data I had no real way to recreate so many of the situations that naturally came up for my users in the production software. The vendor refused to correct the problem, so I told them - with all the relevant managers present - to stop asking me to waste my time testing new releases when doing so was effectively useless.

  • chamim
    271 year ago

    Suddently they care about their users, suuure.

    • bfg9k
      211 year ago

      Won’t SOMEBODY PLEASE think of the children!!!

      I’m so fucking sick of people using ‘protecting vulnerable people’ as a front for them being shitty. It’s so obvious that they don’t actually give a shit about them.

  • @[email protected]
    211 year ago

    It’s only because they were default subs. A while back one of the news subs (r/world news? ) got flooded with porn and basically switched to a random anime porn type of sub. That caused the population to migrate to r/anime_titties for all their news needs. Now when it happens to a special sub though it’s a problem?

    • ikantolol
      1 year ago

      lol, I witnessed that historical moment, essentially r/worldnews become a wild west where any post is acceptable, and it’s all 50/50 NSFW, you either get a naked lady or a butthole, while r/anime_titties are the proper sub for world news…

      • Pesky
        181 year ago

        It was /r/worldpolitics, with anime_titties being the actual world politics sub. Similar to how /r/trees is for weed, and /r/marijuana_enthusiests is for people discussing actual trees

    • athos77
      31 year ago

      Did they ask to be default subs, though? I remember at least two occasions where mods said they woke up one morning and there was a huge influx of users, reports, and comments, and they’d been defaulted without even being asked if they wanted to be.

  • detwaft
    161 year ago

    This is just a standard “clearing house” measure. Remove the dissidents, ignore the howls of complaint… surround yourselves with “yes men” and then you are set

    • RandoCalrandian
      51 year ago

      Set with now not having competent moderators, and all the content generating users have left.

      This is like having a golden goose, and cutting off its head because the HONKs were too annoying

      Gonna go great for them…

  • Alan Martello
    131 year ago

    @minnieo @tchambers It sounds like Reddit got their feelings hurt when mods they thought they knew and trusted acted outside the social contract and did something they didn’t like. Hmmmm wonder what that reminds me of.

  • Untitled9999
    111 year ago

    Reddit’s response to everything over the last week or however long it has been:

    “Fuck you, we don’t care about you, we want to line our pockets, we literally think of users as dirt, we expect you to bow down and kiss our shoes”

  • @Lodra
    91 year ago

    I can’t blame reddit admins on this one. I support the protest and users shifting to Lemmy. But the sudden NSFW content is clearly going to get reddit to take action. Just the obvious response in my opinion. Just like killing third party apps causes a user base to leave. 🤷‍♂

    • iAmTheTot
      521 year ago

      But admins had previously said that reddit should be for the communities, and the communities voted to allow NSFW.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Obviously Reddit is going to retain strong control over the default subs. Personally I miss all the NSFW content on the frontpage, but when I saw all these subs making a statement with it, I knew immediately that it wouldn’t end well for them.

        It was a good protest, but anyone surprised that Reddit removed those mods is naive.

        • iAmTheTot
          31 year ago

          Nobody is surprised. That’s not the point. The hypocrisy is the point.

    • ikantolol
      171 year ago

      though that’s the whole point of reddit ? if you don’t like a community, just make a new one. Like people feel like r/childfree is too aggressive, so they make r/truechildfree

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      You can filter out NSFW posts and communities on reddit I believe. And even if you don’t, I believe the thumbnails are blurred by default.

      It’s actually pretty hard to see NSFW stuff by accident on reddit frontpage, even if there’s a bunch of NSFW posts on it.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      Sure, but it’s not as if this exact thing hasn’t happened before and didn’t play out at all like this. Even before this controversy.

      And then you also to have to consider that /r/mildlyinteresting didn’t suddenly shift to NSFW, that was /r/interestingasfuck and they don’t seem to have changed anything?

  • Zednix
    71 year ago

    Haha fuck reddit. They will keep on changing the rules or apply them in even more retarded ways. The end of the month when all the api stuff dies can’t come soon enough.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    The unfortunate thing is that in a lot of cases, the “Big Stick” approach actually worked. Many reddit moderators that were “leading” the protests caved under threats of replacement from the admins. Maybe it’s because they’re addicted to the little bit of power being a moderator over a reasonably sized community gives you. Maybe they’re just set in their ways and expected reddit to roll back their API changes. I can’t say. The one that really pissed me off was r/selfhosted. Like, your entire thing is autonomy and a very technical microcosm of DIY culture, but the second you’re faced with the possibility of just migrating to one of a million different other, self-hosted options, suddenly it becomes “too much of an inconvenience?” Totally pathetic.

    • FaceDeer
      11 year ago

      The protestors aren’t organized, so of course some of them will respond to different things. It’s not surprising that a few have caved. I bet a few have joined the protests because they saw the big stick being used like that.