And most importantly, what do you think about it? I think it’s quite bad except for a few nice details and while being definitely shorter it also feels like it’s missing some of the features that make OP such a quintessential read. Nonetheless, still amusing lol

  • @odium
    10 months ago

    I don’t like the live action’s marine base, usopp island, baratie, and arlong fight arcs. However, I prefer the live action’s alvida, axe hand morgan fight, buggy, and nami’s village. While the inclusion of garp in the roger scene was nice, I feel like garp and koby have too much screentime.

    CGI fights are worse like gomu gomu powers, fishmen, black cat captain, etc. But I prefer the live action’s no power choreographed fights like nami, zoro, and sanji’s fights.

    Kind of a mixed bag overall.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      I thought they could’ve dropped the ‘gomu gomu no’ for announcing moves to make it more live action-y, and both big fights felt too easy. it’s a long time ago that I read it, but I feel like Luffy took a whole lot more of a beating before winning fights.

      But overall I was positively surprised.