I’m working on creating a mount for a hangboard, the final product is going to look similar to what’s shown here: https://rockclimberstrainingmanual.com/2014/03/06/hows-your-hang/ Specifically, this part: https://rockclimberstrainingmanual.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/img_1330.jpg

My question is, do the panels need any type of wood sealer applied to them? I’m using regular 2x10s and I live in Canada so it’s not very humid here. If I should use a sealer anyways, what type is recommended? I couldn’t find a straight answer while researching

  • flamboyantkoala
    2 years ago

    You will be fine without it if it’s indoors.

    If you wanted to strengthen the wood and protect it from getting dinged as easily a couple coats of boiled linseed oil will help. Me personally though I’d just leave it alone, I doubt it’ll get enough abuse to warrant the extra time.